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Uses of Vinegar for Good Health

Debopriya Bose
The health benefits of vinegar range from controlling the levels of cholesterol, rendering a flawless skin, to making the hair soft and shiny. To know more about the uses of vinegar for health, read on.
Who would have known in the beginning that wine gone sour would have so many uses. Whether it was discovered accidentally or was it a planned venture, no one knows how or when was vinegar discovered. Irrespective of what the history is like, besides occupying an emphatic place in the cuisine of almost every culture, vinegar is known for its several benefits.
Right from the days of the Greeks to the present times, man has been benefiting from the many uses of vinegar. However, in this write-up, let us just concentrate on the various health benefits of vinegar.

Manifold Uses of Vinegar

For Health

► Vinegar is effective in clearing chest congestion. Add a few spoons of it to a large bowl of hot water and inhale the vapor. This is a great home remedy for relieving respiratory congestion.

► Inhaling the steam of vinegar also relieves sinus infections and chest cold. Check the instructions of the vaporizer for measurements of mixing water with vinegar.
► Be it leg cramps or cramps in any other part of the body, use a full-strength vinegar as a compress to relieve it.

► Use a hot compress by dipping a towel in hot vinegar, and apply it on the area of muscle strain or sprain. Apply this compress for 20 minutes.
► Vinegar is also effective in relieving headache. For this, lie down and take a compress made from mixing equal amounts of vinegar and water.

► Make a solution of vinegar by adding 1 part of vinegar to 2 parts of water. Dip your toes in this solution everyday for 15 minutes. This helps in getting rid of the toenail fungus.
► One of the vinegar uses for health is that it soothes sore throat. Add a teaspoon of vinegar to a glass of water. Gargle with this water and then gulp it. Alternately, you could also mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of vinegar to one cup of hot water. Use this mixture to gargle and then gulp it.
► Applying a paste of vinegar and cornstarch helps in relieving from itching.

► Vinegar can be used for nail care as well. Soak your fingers in vinegar after clipping your nails. Do this every time you cut your nails, and you will observe that the nails turn clean and healthy within a period of two months.

For Skin

Vinegar is very effective in soothing dry and itchy skin and works wonders for mild burns. A few other benefits for the skin have been enlisted here:

► Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to bathing water to relieve yourself from the problem of dry and itchy skin.
► Rubbing white distilled or cider vinegar lightly on the skin relieves from the problem of sunburns. This application should be repeated as per requirement.

► To reduce age spots, mix equal parts of onion juice and vinegar. Apply it daily on the age spots. Continue using this to get rid of the unwanted signs of aging.
► Dousing a bee or jellyfish sting with vinegar provides relief from itching and irritation.

► Apply ice-cold vinegar for instant relief from pain due to skin burn. Treatment of the burn with vinegar also prevents the formation of blisters.
► Want soft feet? Use vinegar. Add 1 cup of white distilled vinegar to 2 gallons of warm water. Soak your feet in this mixture for 45 minutes. Then, scrub your feet with pumice stone. This removes the dead skin and calluses and leaves the feet feeling soft and looking clean.

For Hair

Want shiny, healthy looking hair? Rush to your kitchen and grab that bottle of vinegar or should we call the 'wonder liquid'?

► To get rid of dandruff, first shampoo your hair. Then, after you are sure that no trace of shampoo is left, rinse your hair with a solution of ½ cup vinegar and 2 cups of warm water.
► Using water mixed with vinegar to wash hair helps in reducing frizziness in over permed hair.

► You can also use vinegar to add shine to your hair. Just add a little bit of vinegar to your shampoo and use it normally. However, leave it on for 2 to 3 minutes before rinsing it off with water.
► If you color your hair, then rinse your hair with a mixture of water and vinegar after rinsing it with water. This seals the color in the hair.

Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits

Have you heard of the adage 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'? Here is another proof of the fruit's health benefit. Although made from apples, apple cider vinegar is believed to have greater health benefits than the fruit itself.
► Apple cider vinegar prevents the formation of gallbladder stones and urinary tract infections.

► Strengthening the immune system and increasing the stamina are the other health benefits.

► It also provides relief from the symptoms of arthritis and gout.

► It is also known to improve digestion, protect against food poisoning, and cure constipation.
► Of the numerous health benefits of apple cider, the fact that it helps in weight loss is perhaps the most desired one. It speeds up the body's metabolism thus resulting in weight loss.
► The uses of vinegar for acne are also well-known. Add one part of apple cider vinegar to 3 to 4 parts of water. Dab the affected areas with this mixture. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then rinse. Repeat this 3 times daily.
Probably, the list of vinegar uses is endless. This liquid which is actually acetic acid occupies an integral place in our lives today that it is a rare thing to not have it in the kitchen.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.