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Vinegar Cure for Toenail Fungus

Bhakti Satalkar
Obtained from the fermentation of wine, beer, or ale, vinegar has many uses. Besides its use in cooking, vinegar also has some medicinal properties, and is used in the treatment of many ailments. One such ailment is toenail fungus. This story helps by providing a few cures for toenail fungus, using vinegar.
Not many people know that vinegar has medicinal properties and can be used in the cure of certain ailments. To them, it is always associated with cooking. Of course, the basic uses of vinegar are that of a preservative and as a seasoner in food, but it has many other uses as well. Aside from the medicinal properties mentioned above, it can also be used as a cleanser and deodorizer.
Fungi, the main cause of fungus infections, grow and thrive in moist, warm areas. When a fungus infection affects the skin, it turns the skin or the affected area alkaline, which causes irritation and itching. Vinegar is acidic in nature, and helps relieve the irritation and itching.
Such infections occur, as mentioned above, in places that are warm, and moist. One of the most common areas for fungal infections to occur are the toenails. The toenails are generally warm and moist, due to sweaty shoes, and hence are an ideal place for the growth of fungus.
The infection normally starts with one toenail and eventually spreads to the others. Such infected toenails appear discolored, and may have a foul odor as well. Vinegar, thanks to its acidic properties, is used widely by the exponents of the alternative science of medicine as a treatment method.

Using Vinegar to Cure Toenail Fungus

  • Take warm water and vinegar in equal quantities in a tub. Soak your feet in this solution for 15-30 minutes. Then, pat dry the feet. Be careful that there is no water residue on the feet. The hot water soak can also be alternated with a cold water soak.
But the feet have to be pat dried in either of the cases. This should ideally be done thrice a day; in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
  • Vinegar can also be applied to the base of the toe to treat this condition. The best way is to spray the vinegar on the affected toe. This is claimed to be more effective than soaking the feet in water.
  • The next remedy is to mix vinegar with hydrogen peroxide in the ratio 1:1 and soak the feet in it for about 2 to 3 minutes. Wash the feet with water at room temperature and apply Vaseline over the infected nail.
  • Use vinegar and pure tea tree oil in the ratio of 1:3 on the affected part. Be sure that the affected part is entirely soaked in the mixture.
  • A bandage soaked in vinegar can be applied to the affected toenail for the entire day. With continual use of the bandage, it can be noticed that the fungal infection reduces and eventually disappears.
  • Vinegar can also be taken as an oral medicine, thrice a day. The taste is not really good, but it can prove to be a worthy medicine for fungal infection. It can be added to fruit juice to enhance the taste, but it is not really recommended.
The important thing to be remembered is that in most of the treatments, white vinegar, available at the local grocery stores, should be used. Do not use non-distilled vinegar.
The aforementioned remedies should be carried on until the infected toenail is totally outgrown and a new nail is seen. The treatment should not be missed even for a day. For the entire nail to outgrow; it normally takes 6-8 months. Patience is the virtue that is required throughout the treatment period. But always remember to keep your feet dry.