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Awesome Benefits of Turmeric Tea

Aastha Dogra

Did you know that drinking turmeric tea helps in curing acne, alleviates arthritis pain as well as prevents cancer? Read on to know some of the most amazing uses and benefits of turmeric tea...
Turmeric is a very widely used herb in the alternative medicine field of Ayurveda, devised by ancient Indian herbalists. Although, turmeric plant is native to India, yet now it is cultivated in other tropical areas of the world too.
The turmeric plant grows close to three feet in height, its leaves are spear shaped and near the base of its stem, there is a thick rhizome. In the rhizome, certain antioxidant compounds known as curcumin are found.
It is due to the presence of these compounds as well as the well-known anti-inflammatory properties, that makes turmeric such a sought after herb in alternative medicine field. Here is the recipe to make turmeric tea, followed by its various uses for health.


Turmeric tea is very easy to make. Boil two cups of plain water. When it comes to boil, add around half a teaspoon of turmeric to the water. Let it simmer for about ten minutes on low, so that all the beneficial properties of turmeric can be extracted. Lastly, add ginger or honey to the herbal tea to enhance flavor. Sugar can be added too, if preferred.

Health Benefits

► One of the benefits of taking turmeric tea is that it promotes the health of the bones as well as the joints.

► It helps in preventing the outbreak of acne. It also clears the skin and even helps in getting rid of the acne scars.
► It has many dental benefits too. It helps in fighting gum infection and bad breath. Dental conditions such as gingivitis can be treated with regular intake of turmeric tea.

► Diabetics who drink this tea will find it very useful as it prevents the hardening of arteries.
► Drinking turmeric tea benefits people who have arthritis as it has anti-inflammatory properties. Pain caused by conditions such as tendonitis, bursitis as well as arthritis can be greatly reduced by the regular intake of this tea.

► It helps in keeping the cholesterol levels in check.
► According to the ancient Chinese medicine, intake of turmeric in any form helps in combating depression. Thus, people who are facing some kind of stress in their lives, can benefit a lot through intake of turmeric tea as it is known to soothe the nerves.

► Stomach pain caused by an infection can be relieved by drinking this tea.
► Turmeric tea helps an Alzheimer's patient to deal with his health condition in a better way.

► Researches have shown that intake of diet which is rich in turmeric, helps in preventing breast, colon, lung and prostate cancer. So if the tea is consumed everyday, it will help in preventing, fighting and even healing all such types of cancer.
► It aids in faster fat loss, thus aiding in weight management. A lot of it has to do with the fact that turmeric is a liver detoxifier. As liver is the organ which processes fats in the body, inclusion of turmeric in the diet can make the liver work better and the fats to be processed faster.
► Intake of turmeric tea helps the wounds, cuts and tears to heal faster. It can contribute a lot towards remodeling of affected skin as well.
As can be seen, turmeric tea has numerous health benefits, yet, care should be taken not to drink it in excess. Although, there are no known side effects, still a person should not take more than three cups of this wondrous tea in one day.
Lastly, someone with a heart condition or a woman who is pregnant should consult a herbalist before including this in the diet, to avoid any kind of risks and complications.