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Thigh Cramps in Bed

There could be several contributing factors for thigh cramps at night. This write-up lists out the causes and treatment options for such involuntary contractions in the muscles of the thighs.
Mamta Mule
Though muscle cramps can affect any part of the body, more often than not, the muscles of the back, thighs, calves, and foot are affected. A muscle cramp is an involuntarily and forcibly contracted muscle that doesn't relax. Poor blood circulation in the legs is often a contributing factor.
At times, muscle contraction causes such intense pain that awakens you at night. More often, cramp lasts for a few minutes. The symptoms resolve with stretching of affected muscle. Frequent muscle cramps in legs could be indicative of muscle fatigue or nutritional deficiencies, which is why medical assistance must be sought under such circumstances.

Contributing Factors

Thigh cramps could be caused due to a wide range of reasons. These include:

➻ Dehydration
➻ Poor blood circulation in the legs
➻ Poor posture while sleeping
➻ Muscle fatigue due to intensive workouts
➻ Prolonged use of certain drugs
Dehydration is one of the common contributing factors. Loss of fluids that occurs due to intense workouts should be compensated by drinking adequate amounts of fluids. Dehydration could also occur in individuals affected by vomiting or diarrhea.
Pregnant women could also experience muscle cramps. This could be attributed to calcium deficiency, or muscle fatigue from the increased body weight or compressed blood vessels in the legs.
Sleeping in a wrong posture could also lead to poor blood circulation, which could lead to nocturnal leg cramps.
Muscles can also get strained while performing intensive workouts. Performing strenuous exercises without stretching or warming up could also be a contributing factor.
Also, nutritional deficiencies caused due to a poor diet and inadequate fluid intake could make one susceptible to leg cramps. Deficiency of potassium and/or magnesium could be linked to cramps.
Individuals affected by diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems, sciatica, spinal cord injury, or pinched nerve in the neck or back can also develop thigh cramps.
Muscle cramps could be linked to the use of diuretics, statins, or certain drugs used for treating Parkinson's disease, hypertension, or osteoporosis.

Precautionary Measures and Remedies

Consult your healthcare provider if you have been experiencing thigh cramps every now and then. The treatment would vary, depending on the underlying cause. Inform your doctor, if you believe that the cramps began to occur after you started taking certain drugs.
Also, drink adequate amounts of fluids to prevent dehydration. Refrain from exercising in the sun, and always begin your workout with a warm-up session.
Don't strain your muscles beyond the tolerable limits. Also, make sure that you maintain a right posture while sleeping.
Sometimes, cold weather could trigger cramps. So, keep yourself warm as you sleep.
Also, follow a healthy diet to avoid nutritional deficiencies. In some cases, the doctors might prescribe magnesium or calcium supplements. Application of heat or muscle relaxants can also help provide relief.
Most of us occasionally experience cramps. More often than not, these are not a cause for serious concern. However, medical assistance must be sought, if these occur frequently. Following the aforementioned precautionary measures would also prove beneficial.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this post is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.