Therapeutic massage can hasten the curing of ailments like chronic body ache, stress-related physical and mental problems, etc.
Thus, a massage is not just a way to unwind but also a boost for your health.
A massage has been used for therapeutic purposes for centuries. You can find massage techniques in ancient Chinese medicine and ancient Indian medicine, which were used by practitioners to help alleviate different kinds of ailments. Today, massage has become popular, and spas can be found almost everywhere in the world.
However, there is a difference between therapeutic and a relaxation massage.
What is it?
A relaxation massage is generally practiced in spas or resorts and includes massage techniques like Swedish massage therapy techniques that help the client to relax.
These relaxation massages are generally combined with a scrub and a body pack. This kind of treatment is aimed at relaxing and grooming the body.
In a massage therapy, the goal is to provide relief to the patient from the ailment. Therapeutic massage techniques are aimed to get rid of a chronic illness. It can be done in a clinic or in a hospital.
Firstly, questions regarding the person's medical history will be asked, then according to the outcome of the discussion a specific massage therapy will be decided. A person might require frequent sessions in the first few weeks or months of the treatment.
Here is a list of the various benefits of massage therapy which one can get by receiving regular massage therapy sessions.
~ The primary benefit of this therapy is pain relief. Whatever is the chronic ailment, a person will get relief from the pain.
Many pregnant women use it to alleviate the discomfort and pain associated with pregnancy. Also, people who have tension headaches or sprained muscles or ligaments greatly benefit from it.
~ Therapeutic massage helps to stimulate weak and inactive muscles, and also help in a faster and complete recovery.
~ Massage therapy also greatly helps to reduce stress and anxiety and thus, helps to promote a relaxed state of mind and reduces the level of anxiety.
~ Massage helps in many general health benefits like relaxed breathing, joint flexibility, better skin texture, improved blood circulation, improved posture, etc.
How to Select a Therapist?
It is important to select an experienced therapist, when using massage therapy to treat an ailment. You can consult your physician to know about a good therapist. Look online for clinics and private practitioners.
AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) site has a directory which will help you find a practitioner near your area. You can ask them questions regarding their experience in treating the ailment and the price for each session.
How to Become a Practitioner?
If you wish to become a massage therapist, then you can find a good school which has a certification course. Go online to check out different schools which offer therapeutic massage courses in your area.
Go to the AMTA site to learn about the requirements of the course and the certification you need to get, to become a practitioner.
If you are suffering from a certain ailment, which you think massage therapy can help to treat, then consult your physician and find a good practitioner. And if you are interested in becoming a practitioner, then apply to a good school to become a certified practitioner.