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Sun Poisoning Blisters

Sun poisoning blisters are very painful and discomforting, and need to be treated as soon as possible. Here are some methods to tackle this problem.
Bidisha Mukherjee
Sun poisoning can be described as the allergic reaction of the skin that results from excessive sun exposure. The medical term used for sun poisoning is photodermatitis, which is the same as that of sunburn. However, it is a more severe form of sunburn.
The symptoms are much more serious. Apart from the peeling, reddening, and itching of the skin, there are blisters that are extremely painful. They are often accompanied by other symptoms like nausea, fever, chills, headaches, electrolyte imbalance, etc. The blisters could be found even on those parts of the body which were not directly exposed to the sun.


Usually, sun poisoning blisters erupt mainly when the skin turns extremely sensitive for some reason. As a result, when it comes in contact with a little bit of sunlight, it reacts adversely and causes blisters. There are a number of medicines that tend to make the skin hypersensitive.
These include birth control pills, tranquilizers, blood pressure medicines, diabetic medications, and so on. The chemicals that are present in several cosmetic,, creams, lotions, soaps, and shampoos can also make the skin sensitive towards ultraviolet rays.
Certain underlying health problems like vitamin deficiency and autoimmune disorder can be responsible factors too.

How to Treat Sun Poisoning Blisters

When you have sun poisoning blisters, then you should consult your doctor first to check whether they are infectious or not. Unfortunately, if there is some infection, then doctors prescribe antibiotics. They will also give anti-inflammatory medicines and beta carotene supplements to bring down the pain and skin inflammation.
Those who get fever are given medicines to bring down the body temperature. Sometimes, cortisone creams are also given as treatment for topical application on the blisters.
In case the rash turns out to be a mild reaction of the skin, then it can be safely treated at home. A few natural treatments are as follows:
Application of Cold: The pain and soreness of the blisters can be reduced to a great extent with cold. Various methods can be used for this purpose. You can apply ice by wrapping up the ice cubes in a piece of cloth. You can give a cold milk compression to the blisters.
For this, dilute the cold milk with equal quantity of water. Dip a soft piece of cloth into the mixture and apply it gently over the blisters. Fatty acid and lactic acid of milk will contribute towards faster healing of the blisters. Or else, just immerse your body in a tub of cool water and add oatmeal flakes to it.
Aloe Vera Juice: The natural components of fresh aloe vera juice have excellent healing properties. When applied on the blisters, it penetrates deep into the layers of the skin and treat it effectively. The protective layer of the juice also retain the moisture of the skin within it, which is important for recovering from the skin damage.
Take a fresh also vera leaf, slit its end to extract the raw juice, and apply it on the blisters.
Turmeric Powder: Turmeric powder shows amazing results when used for treating sun poisoning blisters. Prepare a paste by mixing some rose water with the turmeric powder, and apply it generously over the blisters. It will not only disinfect the blisters but will also stop them from spreading to any other parts of the body.
Vinegar: Dilute one part of organic vinegar with three parts of water. Dip a cotton ball onto the solutions and apply it gently on the blisters. It gives a lot of relief from the burning and itching sensation of the rash. The acid component of the vinegar will have a sterilizing effect on the blisters. The vinegar will also help maintain the pH balance of the skin.
You can prevent the recurrence of bothersome blisters by limiting sun exposure as much as possible, particularly between 11 am to 4 pm. If going out in the sun is unavoidable, then take suitable precautionary measures. Cover maximum parts of your body with clothes, shoes, and hats, so that the skin does not come in contact with the sunlight.
Apply a sunscreen lotion with SPF 15 or more all over your face, neck, hands, and other exposed areas of the body. Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated from within.