When the sinus cavities swell up, one of the symptoms which arise is sinus pressure. Here, we give you some quick tips to manage this annoying symptom with some simple home remedies.
The eyes, cheeks, nose, forehead and sometimes, even the jaw can be burdened with pressure due to inflammation, or congestion of the sinus cavities, hence, the name 'sinus pressure'. The most common cause of this condition is sinus infection.
Allergens such as mold, pollen, dander and dust, adenoids (a collection of lymphatic tissue in the throat behind the uvula), polyps (a small vascular growth on the surface of a mucous membrane) or a deviated septum (abnormal displacement of any wall that separates two chambers [usually in the nasal cavity]) are also included in the list of the causes.
Common infections such as cold or flu may lead to sinus pressure too.
Home Remedies
# Steam treatment is an effective home remedy to relieve sinus pressure. Turn on the shower in your bathroom, keep it as hot as possible and let the room fill with steam. Stand inside the bathroom with the door closed and, inhale the steam. This will not only help relieving the sinus pressure, but other accompanying symptoms such as nasal congestion, if any.
# The same can be done by leaning over a sink filled with hot water, and with a towel covering your head and the sink. This will help you to inhale a large amount of steam, which will reduce the sinus pressure. You can also use a humidifier for the same purpose.
# Occasionally rinsing the nasal passages with salt water can help in managing sinus pressure, and other symptoms of sinus problems. Although, you can get a kit from your local health store, you can make one of your own at home. Get 1 pint of water (lukewarm), and mix in 1 teaspoon of table salt.
You can also add about ½ teaspoon of baking soda; it is optional though. Once prepared, simply take a bulb syringe and flush your nasal cavities to get rid of mucus and debris, thereby relieving your sinus pressure to a great extent.
# One more method that has been in use since ages, is nasal irrigation using a neti pot. Prepare a saline solution as mentioned in the previous step, and fill the neti pot with it. Bend over a sink, tilting your head preferably at an angle of 45 degrees.
Now place the spout of the pot into one nostril and pour the solution. The water will run through your nasal passages, and go into the other nostril and may be into the throat too. Thereafter, blow your nose gently to get rid of the water, and repeat with the other nostril.
# Soak a washcloth in warm water and place it over the face covering the cheeks, nose, eyes and forehead. The heat that the cloth would give out, will loosen any blockage and encourage draining in the sinus cavities.
# Maintaining an elevated sleeping posture also encourages drainage of the nasal cavities. While sleeping, keep your head in a position higher than the rest of the body. For this, you can use two pillows to be placed under your head or any bedding material as desired.
# Essential oils of pine, lavender, ginger, peppermint and eucalyptus help a lot in reducing sinus pressure. Use these oils in the steam treatment methods cited earlier. The aroma of the oil and the hot steam together work more effectively in alleviating sinus pressure. A massage of the temple or the forehead with such oils, also yields beneficial results.
# Increase the intake of fluids, especially warm water, and have herbal tea at regular intervals. Drinking fluids helps in thinning the secretion thus, reducing the pressure.
# Certain changes in lifestyle may also help in reducing the occurrence of conditions such as sinus pressure. Medical experts always vouch for the benefits that a fully ventilated house has, especially for people prone to sinus problems; sinus pressure in this case. Ventilation helps fresh air to circulate in the house, while getting rid of the stale air.
The mentioned home remedies usually work for mild to moderate cases of sinus pressure. However, in the severe ones, wherein, the problem does not show any signs of retreat, you might require the help of over-the-counter medications, or more preferably, a physician's help.