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Seborrheic Dermatitis Natural Treatment

Aastha Dogra
If you are looking for natural remedies to cure seborrheic dermatitis, read the following story, which suggests some carefully selected treatment options that are quite effective in treating this skin condition.
Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disorder, which affects the scalp causing itchy, flaky, red skin and dandruff. The main reason behind this skin disorder is a yeast known as malassezia, which grows on the scalp. Other causes are extremely, cold weather, stress, and diseases, such as HIV/AIDS.
Although this dermatitis occurs mostly in the scalp, it can spread to other areas of the skin as well, such as ears, creases of the nose, eyebrows, armpits, groin area, and breast bone.
Seborrheic dermatitis can cause great irritation and embarrassment to the person, as it is difficult to avoid the urge to scratch one's scalp when suffering from this condition. If you find yourself in a similar situation, and want to treat it naturally, then here are a few remedies for you, which are quite effective in curing and soothing the skin affected by this disease.

Tea Tree Oil

Application of tea tree oil on the scalp and hair, is the most effective. As applying tea tree oil directly, can sometimes cause a burning sensation in the scalp, mixing and diluting it with Aloe vera gel, prior to use, is recommended. Simply put around 20-25 drops of the tea tree oil in a bottle of Aloe vera gel.
Apply this mixture on the hair and scalp, leave on for half an hour, and then, wash off to cure the dandruff.


For massaging the hair and the scalp, olive oil or coconut oil can be used. Massage these oils in a circular motion, as it helps in improving the blood circulation. Now, with a comb, take out all the dry flakes from the hair.

Antifungal Foods

Inclusion of antifungal food in the diet is an important part of seborrheic dermatitis natural treatment. Examples of such foods are turmeric, oregano, ginger, radish, sage, coconut oil, and olive oil. These foods inhibit the growth of the yeast and hence, help to treat this disease naturally.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. Massage the scalp and the hair with this mixture, and then leave on for twenty minutes. Then wash off with a mild shampoo. Repeat this treatment on alternate days for best results.

Neem Leaves

Take a few neem leaves and boil them in water. Let the mixture cool down and then you may filter it. Every time you wash your hair, use this mixture of neem leaves as the last rinse.

Fenugreek Seeds

Soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a bowl of water for about six hours. After that, grind the seeds, and make a paste out of them. Add around two teaspoons of lemon juice to the paste. Now apply this mixture on the scalp and leave it on for half an hour. Afterwards wash the hair and scalp with lukewarm water.


For the treatment of itchy, flaky scalp, application of certain herbs on the affected area can prove very beneficial. Examples of such herbs are, chamomile, thyme, white oak bark tea, grapevine root, hop root, soap bark, black Indian hemp, nettle, English walnut, burdock root, and rosemary. Eating herbs such as red clover, dandelion, and golden seal also helps.
Apart from these, spending some time in the sunlight, and exposing the affected area to the heat of the sun, helps in treating this skin disorder. Avoiding food allergens such as milk, peanuts, fish, soy, eggs, tree nuts, shellfish, and wheat, also helps. Eating a well-balanced diet, rich in zinc and vitamin B helps in curing seborrheic dermatitis.