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Rose Petal Tea

Rohini Mohan
Rose petal tea is a unique blend of rich flavor and nourishment. It has been used since ancient times as medicine, and is once again being revived for the same.
Rose petals have been used for their medicinal properties since centuries. They have been an integral part of Arab and Chinese cultures and their cuisine. However, in today's world, it isn't safe to use just any rose petal in order to brew your tea.
Almost all flowers sold in the nurseries and flower shops have been treated with pesticides and other chemicals. It is safe to presume that the best option would be to either go in for commercially sold rose tea, or grow these plants at home.

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Growing rose plants at home will ensure that they are safe and healthy for consumption. However it will take time for the flowers to bloom, so you'll need to be patient. What you can be sure about is that, rose tea is absolutely safe for consumption. It does have some side effects which appear on over consumption of this tea.

Health Benefits of Rose Tea

  • Rose hips are rich sources of vitamin C, and have been used for its nutritional properties since generations. It is believed that rose hips contain 5 times more vitamin C than oranges.
  • Since it is so rich in vitamin C, it would be wise to mention that this tea helps keep common cold, viral fever and flue conditions away by keeping the immune system active.
  • The flower is rich in vitamin B called folate which is necessary for cell growth and reproduction in humans.
  • Rose hip tea is especially beneficial for women as it helps reduce menstrual bloating and pain.
  • It also helps cleanse the blood and improves the hemoglobin and iron count. Thus, being great for people with anemia and picky eaters.
  • The petals and hips are excellent for curing stomach related ailments such constipation, diarrhea and ulcers.
  • Another health benefit as well as a side effect of rose tea is heartburn. Many people have conflicted opinion about whether tea reduces heart burn or actually causes it? Well, personally, I have never experienced such a side effect. It would be best to seek a doctor's advice, whether you should be trying this tea out or not before actually consuming it.
The reason is that your doctor may be able to correlate the effect the tea may have on your pre-existent health condition.
  • Rose is rich in flavonoids a type of antioxidant, and vitamin A and E. All of these are excellent for skin and eyes.
  • It is an excellent anti-allergen, and creates resistance against skin allergies, rashes and food poisoning.
  • It is also supposed to keep the urinary tract free of infection and helps cure minor yeast infections.

How to Brew Rose Petal Tea

Brewing you own rose petal tea at home is very easy. All you need is some fresh rose petals and hips. Here is what you will need to do:
  • Take ½ a cup of rose petals and ½ cup of rose hips. Remember to wash them with salt water so as to remove all germs. Keep the rose petals and hips soaked in salt water for 15 minutes, the salt will disinfect the contents.
  • Now wash the petals and hips in running water.
  • Try to cut the rose hips into half so that the insides are exposed. This will help more nutrients to dissolve in the water
  • Take a pan filled with water and heat it. Now, add the petals and hips
  • Let the tea simmer until the petals fade in color, and the water has become amber colored.
  • Continue to simmer for another 5 minutes.
  • Filter the waste and retain the water. Mix honey as per your requirement, and drink.
The rose petal tea is not everyone's cup of tea. Not everyone who drinks it enjoys the strong and strange taste. Nonetheless, for those who do enjoy it, there is a word of warning. Try to keep the intake to a 3 cups a week. That should suffice all your health requirements. If in case the tea does not suit you, desist from its consumption.