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Identifying Pressure Points on the Hand

Aastha Dogra
Did you know that by manipulating the various pressure points in the hand, you can keep stress at bay and take care of many physical ailments? It is fascinating to know that by triggering various target points on the hands and wrists, you can actually cure an ailment.
Pressure points are the sensitive areas within the body, which if pressed, can invoke pleasure, relief pain, reduce stress, and heal a person. All these benefits are recognized and identified by alternative treatment systems like reflexology and acupressure.
Even modern medicine defines these points as body areas which have a high nerve density. One of such body area, which is highly sensitive and has many pressure points, is our hands. According to reflexology, hands have pressure points, which if massaged appropriately, benefit a number of important organs in the body.
According to acupuncture, the traditional Chinese medicine system, energy is trapped in the various pressure points, that's why, in order to ensure smooth flow of energy throughout the body, they need to be penetrated with tiny needles.

Hand Pressure Points

The fleshiest area between your thumb and index finger, at the back of your hand, is a pressure point, which if massaged with the thumb of your other hand, helps relieve pain in the back and the head. Massaging this is known to relieve stress, relax a person, and make him calm and happy too.
Face your palm. Trace the line from your middle finger, to just below the wrist, on your forearm. Massage this area, which starts from the point where the wrist and the palm meet to the forearm, right in the middle. Massaging this will help in bringing relief from cold as well as reducing any pain in the joint.
Keep your hand straight and face the palm. Open your fingers a bit. Move the hand towards your body, keeping wrist straight. From the little finger, trace a line towards the wrist. The area where your wrist meets the palm is a pressure point. Press it whenever thoughts clutter in your head to clear them.
Trace a line from thumb to wrist keeping open fingers. The area on this line, where the wrist meets the palm is another pressure point. Massaging this is known to improve the condition of the skin. It helps in elevating the mood of the person. Health-wise, it is especially beneficial for those who have breathing problems.
Our emotional health directly affects physical health. Press the lower corner of thumbnail outside the hand i.e. if it's the right hand, the pressure point is on the left lower corner and vice versa for left one. Massage both points to instill positive thoughts.
With these simple instructions, you can easily find and make use of pressure points in the hand to relieve pain, improve blood circulation, ward off negative feelings and to combat stress.
Be gentle when you massage these pressure points, at the same time, be steady. Make sure that you are applying pressure on the right areas, otherwise it will be of no use to you. If this therapy does not work for you, rest assured that it will not harm you in any way. So, why not give it a try and enjoy the numerous benefits it promises!