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Poultice for Boils

Azmin Taraporewala
Making a poultice for boils is the best remedy to extract the infection from the skin tissues. Here is an story that equips you to make a homespun poultice, employing different ingredients. Read on to get rid of those nasty bumps.
Pus-filled boils are a painful sight to behold, but worse is the pain and discomfort one is put through. Skin troubles are a common complaint in this day and age. Rashes, abscesses, or pustules, play hopscotch with our skin. Haven't you noticed that boils appear only when we have to attend an important function or have a personal commitment to fulfill?
Well, I have been the lucky one on several occasions! The only solution these pustules leave me with, is to carry them along like a forceful baggage, anywhere and everywhere I go! To get rid of these boils that inflict excruciating pain, you could concoct poultices for boils that will help you a great deal.

How Are Boils Formed?

Boils are formed when the sebaceous glands are activated and secrete oil in excess, causing a bump near the hair follicles. Boils set foot as tiny nodules on the skin surface and more often than not, prolong their stay by growing 'bigger and better' by the day.
They are basically caused by bacteria referred to as Staphylococcus aureus. Many of us feel that boils have become a part of life. In the actual, we are frustrated with our current state of skin that is plumped with pimples. You wish you never found a pimple on your skin ... only beautiful, supple, and soft skin to appreciate.
Nevertheless, here are five things that we thoroughly indulge in, to brawl the boil blues:
  • Squeezing pimples, and shun the skin; 
  • Bearing the sight of pimples and boils and living with them;
  • Play the quack to redress the skin condition;
  • Applying anything and everything that we could lay our hands on;
  • Leave the skin to fight the battle.
Well, have you ever thought the amount of damage you inflict upon your skin surface when you adopt the trial-and-error method? It is always advisable to garner an expert consult who could solve your skin issues, the right way.

Concocting a Poultice

Making a poultice for boils will save your skin the harsh treatment you offer, by squeezing & picking on boils. Poultice for infections of the skin, in the actual, is a viscid mass or material that is spread on a piece of soft cloth and placed it on the skin surface to treat painful boils. It, indeed, is one preferred remedy, for the recipes purely homespun.
The application of poultice gets the infected area to compress with the heat compelling the boil to a head.
  • You could make an onion poultice . All you need to do is to mash the onion, and mix it with hot water to make a paste.
  • A mustard poultice could be concocted by mincing mustard seeds with hot water. This will palliate the pain you endure.
  • A turmeric poultice is the best remedy to get rid of boils and pustules. This will help you in getting rid of bacteria that is deep-seated in your skin.
  • Bread and milk poultice for boils can get you the skin you desire -- supple and soft, and not to forget, free of boils.
  • Make a fig poultice for boils and see the difference. Just mash the figs, and add hot water to make a paste.
  • Apply honey on the infected area and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Honey has therapeutic properties to siphon the infection from the skin and provide relief.
  • Another poultice recipe is to use powdered slippery elm and eucalyptus oil . Hot water could be mixed to form a paste followed by its application over the affected area. You must allow the paste to cool down and then apply it on the area. You will observe that pus from the boil is oozing. This paste will help you in getting rid of the pus-filled bump.
  • A poultice with flax seeds is proven efficacious in bringing boils to a head. All you need to do is to add flax seeds to a container of boiling water. Keep stirring the blend till it takes on a marginally viscid form. You would know it is ready when you dunk a knife into the container and the solution is thick enough to slide through the knife.
  • Take a gauze or antiseptic crepe, and spread a fine film of the flax seed solution over it. When the gauze feels warm and tepid, place it over the affected area. Let the poultice stay put over the site for 20 to 30 minutes. You may reapply the poultice post an interval of 7 to 10 minutes. 
These were some of the poultice recipes that you could concoct at home at your very faithful kitchen counter. Try it. ... Well, I did, and found a lot of difference!