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Pine Nut Oil for Gastritis

Pine nut oil when taken regularly, thrice a day in one teaspoon doses is seen to alleviate gastritis. Its therapeutic properties are known to enhance digestive and cardiovascular health.
Priya Johnson
Pine nut oil is a golden-colored, curative oil obtained by cold pressing small kernels of pine nuts that come from the pine cones growing on pine trees. Pine trees feature both male and female cones, however, only the female cones produce seeds. This pine nut oil extracted from the seeds of the pine tree species is also called cedar nut oil or pine seed oil.
There are hundreds of pine tree species that are found growing in different parts of the world, however, the ones growing in Siberia are known to yield the best quality of pine nut oil.
Siberians are known to have recognized the benefits of this oil several centuries ago, wherein they used this oil as a digestive aid, metabolism enhancer, and gastrointestinal remedy. 
This highly therapeutic oil comprises ample amounts of vitamin E, F, polyunsaturated fatty acids, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, copper, iodine, zinc, manganese, and cobalt. It also contains 5% nitrogenous compounds which bear witness to the high physiological value.
Pine nut oil has not been used for cooking purposes due to its low smoking point and is added just to enhance the flavor after cooking. This oil's medicinal benefits, especially the one about healing gastritis has got this oil a lot of attention today.

Pine Nut Oil for Gastritis

Research reveals that pine nut oil is loaded with two important compounds: pinolenic acid and antioxidants. Oil from the seeds of the Siberian pine is known to contain the highest amounts of triple-unsaturated fatty acid called pinolenic acid.
This pinolenic acid is important because it enhances cardiovascular health, reduces high blood pressure, decreases platelet clotting, and also affects total body lipids. Moreover, its antioxidant properties help destroy free radicals, that would otherwise prove deleterious to the cells of the body.
It is said that consuming three teaspoons of extra virgin pine nut oil on a daily basis will help heal the gastrointestinal lining and heal conditions such as peptic ulcers, gastritis, acid reflux, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. This dose is recommended to be taken an hour or so before a meal.
When the ulcer is in the duodenum, one needs to increase the dose to six teaspoons of the oil, thrice a day. If ulceration is accompanied by chronic cholecystitis, then one is advised to have the oil after mixing it with equal amounts of milk.

Other Health Benefits of Pine Nuts

Besides alleviating ulcers and gastritis, this oil is also beneficial in many other ways. Its high protein content furnishes the body with adequate amounts of protein. Moreover, it is also said to have weight-control properties.
The pinolenic acid present in them causes the intestines to release a hormone called cholecystokinin (CCK) that signals the brain to turn off from the hungry mode.
This in turn leads to the slow down in the body's digestion process, thereby causing one to feel full and less hungry. Moreover, this oil also assists in improving heart health, helps increase hemoglobin levels, reduces stress, muscle cramps, and fatigue.
Pine nut oil is a glorious golden-colored oil with a subtle and mild taste. It can also be drizzled upon sauces, soups, stews, etc., to enhance the flavor of the dish. Moreover, it goes very well with avocados, lemon, and grilled fish. Incorporate this oil into your diet and reap its benefits!
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.