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Passion Flower Extract

Smita Pandit
Various parts of the passion flower plant are used due to its therapeutic properties. This write-up provides information on the health benefits and side effects of the extract that is made from the dried aerial parts of this plant.
The scientific name of passion flower is Passiflora incarnata. It can be found in south eastern United States, Europe, and South America. It is believed that this flower was discovered by Spanish explorers and missionaries. They named it passion flower, as they thought that it resembled the crown of thorns worn by Jesus during his crucifixion.
This flower is known by several names such as purple passion flower, maypop, apricot vines, flor de pasion, wild passion flower, and passion vine. It is believed that passion flower extract can work wonders for people affected by insomnia and anxiety.
It is due to its medicinal qualities that this extract has been used as a sedative under alternative healing therapies. Research is still going on to determine the effect of this extract on the central nervous system.


The dried aerial parts of passion flower can be used to treat several health problems. The aerial parts of the passion flower are first dried and crushed to make this extract. The researchers are trying to find out more about its components.
The active ingredients present in the extract include flavonoids, alkaloids, amino acid, cyanogenic glycosides, sterol, and saparin. It also contains flavonoids such as vitexin, isovitexin, isoorientin, schaftoside, and isoschaftoside. The main active component of this extract is a mono flavonoid called Chrysin.


Due to its calming effect, it is used for treating anxiety-related problems. It can also be used with some natural sedatives. The active ingredients present in the extract induce sound sleep and normalize the blood pressure. The sedative and antispasmodic properties of this extract can help people affected by muscle spasms to a great extent.
It is also believed to be of great assistance in treating conditions such as asthma, palpitations, irregular heartbeat, gastrointestinal problems, and high blood pressure. It is an effective tranquilizer and is also beneficial for the health of the nerves. It can also be used for treating neuralgia, sciatica, and shingles.
This extract lowers the level of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the brain. People affected by anxiety feel relaxed, as it reduces the activity of certain brain cells.
This extract might also help those who are trying to lose weight. The presence of amino acid and sterol in passiflora herb is also believed to boost metabolism.

Side Effects

Though the uses and benefits of this extract are many, an overdose can create problems. It could make you feel very sleepy. Some people might experience side effects such as nausea, breathing problems, vomiting, and rapid heart rhythm. It is believed that an overdose might cause headache, confusion, and mental slowing.
Therefore, it is advised that those who take these supplements must exercise caution while driving or handling heavy machinery. An overdose can also cause allergic reactions. If you develop wheezing, rashes, hives, itching, and swelling of the mouth or throat, seek medical help immediately.
The use of passion extract might prove beneficial for people affected by stress, insomnia, or anxiety. However, it must be noted that this extract must be taken according to dosage recommended by an herbal practitioner.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of an herbalist or a medical expert.