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Natural Remedies for Plantar Warts

Aarti R
Plantar warts are the warts that are observed on the soles of the feet and usually grow inwards. There are some natural remedies for plantar warts, which are given in this Story.
A wart is a harmless non-cancerous growth, caused due to a virus, called the human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus enters the human body through the cuts and bruises in the skin. The wart develops on the soles of feet, usually on the pressure points. These pressure points include the heels and the balls of the feet.
Plantar warts do not cause serious health problems, but are usually painful. There are around 100 types of human papillomavirus (HPV). These HPVs are responsible for warts on fingers, hands, and feet, and the genital warts.
The virus that causes this condition is not a contagious virus. It grows in warm and humid environment, like shower floors and public swimming pools. This Story highlights some natural remedies for plantar warts.
Some people have a strong immune system to fight against the HPV. This is the reason different people react differently to the attack of HPV. Plantar warts generally do not require treatment. However, sometimes they are painful and need to be treated. Cuts and scars in the skin can cause the warts. Weak immune system can also lead to this growth on the feet. Children and teenagers are more susceptible.

Natural Remedies

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is easily available and can be used to treat plantar warts. Apple cider vinegar, petroleum jelly, medical sticking tape, and cotton ball are required for treatment. This treatment must be done at night, just before going to sleep. The petroleum jelly should be applied to the warts and the surrounding unaffected area.
Take some apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball and apply it to the wart. It may be very painful initially. Wrap the wart using the medical sticking around the feet by pressing the cotton ball against it. Leave this overnight. The effects are not seen immediately, it takes some days or even weeks. The results vary from person to person.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is found in plants, used for topical skin treatment. Salicylic acid is available in many forms like paint, cream, plaster, or tape. Dip your feet in warm water before you apply the salicylic acid so that the skin becomes softer and can easily absorb the medicine. The salicylic acid should not touch other unaffected parts of the skin.
Apply it overnight until the wart becomes soft enough to be removed by scrubbing. The wart is scrubbed using a foot file or pumice stone. The pumice stone or foot file should not be used again for any other scrubbing; rather it is advisable to discard it when your wart heals.

Castor Oil

Castor oil must be mixed along with baking soda to form a paste. Apply the mixture to the wart and cover it overnight with a medical sticking. The wart must be scrubbed off when it becomes soft and less painful.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel is a soothing gel for any skin related problems, and it can also be used for treating plantar warts. The Aloe Vera gel is applied to the wart and daily scrubbing of the wart is a must.
Plantar warts can be very painful when you walk and can be prevented by taking into consideration the following points:
  • Avoid walking bare feet on wet surfaces except for the sandy beaches.
  • Keep the feet dry and clean and change socks daily.
  • Do not ignore skin growths on your body, immediately contact a podiatric physician.
These are some of the tips for keeping away the painful plantar warts. Treating them naturally is the only way to cure them, otherwise, warts need no treatment at all; they vanish on their own.
Disclaimer: This Story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.