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Home Remedies for Relief from Migraine

Loveleena Rajeev
A migraine is a throbbing headache, which starts from one side, and spreads all over. In this story, you will come across some home remedies for relief from migraine.
A migraine is a very painful, pulsating, unilateral headache. A person suffering from a migraine usually feels nauseated and sick. It is caused due to a number of reasons, and the severity depends on the type.
One of the most common reason for its occurrence is changes in the level of the brain chemical, serotonin. It occurs when the serotonin levels fall, causing the blood vessels to swell. Although many over-the-counter medications are available to relieve one of this condition, there are few natural home remedies for relief from migraine that work equally well.

Current Treatment Methods

Presently, there are two kinds of treatments used to help a person suffering from migraines; abortive therapy and preventive therapy. Abortive therapy uses headache relieving medications, whereas preventive therapy involves many natural and alternative remedial practices to help.
It is very important to maintain a record of when and around what time this headache occurs, as that will help one recognize a pattern. Besides these therapies, one can also try out the following natural cures.
Chamomile: Sipping on a cup of chamomile tea when one feels that the pain is coming on is believed to be an excellent preventive measure.
Vervain Tea: This herbal tea has stimulant properties that helps relieve premenstrual headaches. It can also be used for common headaches.
Basil: Inhaling steam from an infusion of two drops of essential basil oil dropped in boiling water, or drinking tea boiled with fresh basil leaves also helps.
Lavender: ¼ teaspoon of essential lavender oil added to half a cup of boiling water drunk regularly, will help relieve the pain.
Eucalyptus Oil: When you feel the headache coming on, rub a few drops of eucalyptus oil onto the sinus area, this will prevent the headache from developing further.
Lemon Rind: The rind should be well dried and pounded into a paste with a little water, and applied on the forehead. The fragrance from the lemon's rind helps relieve the pain.
Rosemary: Add a handful of fresh or dried rosemary herb into one liter of water and bring it to a boil. Inhale the steam for at least five to ten minutes.
Vegetable Juice: 300 ml carrot juice combined with 100 ml of each beet and cucumber juice is known to help relieve this pain.
Hot and Cold: Place feet in hot water, and simultaneously place an ice pack on the forehead. One can also use a wet face cloth to steam the face and head. Place a wet cloth in a microwave for two minutes, and place the steamy hot cloth on the face and neck. This will help to relieve the pain and will also induce sleep.
Massage: Massaging the back with a mix of peppermint, and eucalyptus or lavender oil, around the base of the skull helps de-stress the muscles, and will provide relief from the nauseating feeling associated with this headache.
Yoga: Yoga generally focuses on the prevention of the occurrence of this ache by reducing stress, and alleviating the headache by providing relief to sensory overload and relaxing the mind. There are many specific yoga exercises that one can practice at the first sign of a migraine attack. However, qualified practitioners advise against the use of these exercises during severe attacks.
Acupressure: Acupressure is a non-invasive treatment option for those suffering from severe pains. Acupressure massages apply pressure to energy points to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms. The most commonly used acupressure technique for headaches is an all-over head massage. This helps reduce the frequency and intensity of these attacks.
As migraines are known to be triggered by certain chemical irritants, it is imperative to identify and remove them as soon as possible. Staying active by eating healthy food and exercising regularly is also known to help reduce the severity of the attacks. It is best to consult a qualified practitioner before trying out any of the above home remedies.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.