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Healing Properties of Common Medicinal Herbs

Abhay Burande
The natural healing of wounds, illnesses, sicknesses, and diseases is desired by all. Many medicinal herbs possess the ability to cure health scares naturally. Many different types of such medicinal herbs and their health benefits are mentioned in this story.
Innumerable native herbs and spices produce some of the world's best healing agents. Several of them can even be used to treat addictions as they assist in cleansing mental as well as physical being of a person.
Organic aromatherapy essential oils can be used to lift depression, create the right mood for romance and ease stress. They are also used to combat infections and repair dry or damaged skin.
Herbal treatments are also used for treating high blood sugar levels and diabetes. Some prevent bacterial infections, ease breathing, decrease fevers, quiet coughs, and soothe aches and pains.
Herbs can also be useful to maintain the ideal weight and deal with problems like food cravings, low energy levels, weight gain, and even aid weight loss. Many herbs are useful for women as they control hormones, decrease water retention, and decrease pain and cramping.
These are used to treat menstrual problems like heavy bleeding, PMS, skipped periods, yeast infections, and excessive bleeding.
Some common medicinal herbs that you will come across in every day life are mentioned here.

Neem: This is used for the treatment of all sorts of skin problems. The constituents are Nimbidol and Gedunin which have good fungicidal properties. These are very effective in treatment of skin disorders like scabies, warts, eczema, psoriasis, and dandruff.
Turmeric (Haldi): It is used as a popular remedy for infections, boils, injuries, and accident recovery.
Basil (Tulsi): Tulsi or basil is worshiped as the purest and the most sublime plant. It is extremely effective in treating skin disorders as it is a blood purifier and kills bacteria. It also eases an inflamed throat.
Sandalwood (Chandan): This is a unique Indian plant that has an extraordinary fragrance. The bark of the sandalwood tree is very smooth and the use of sandal paste on the face results in an extremely smooth, unblemished, smooth, and supple skin. The fragrance of sandalwood is proved to be an aphrodisiac.
Chinese herbal medicine: This group of medicines consists special tonic herbs. These are taken daily to raise the resistance to diseases, enhance energy levels, and prolong life. Among many, astragalus and ginseng are the most widely known.
Others include schizandra, ligustrum, ganoderma, and he shou wu. Such herbs are called "adaptogens". They strengthen the body and increase its ability to adjust to the stress. They have a positive effect on the immune system.
These herbs have been successfully used in treating immune-related disorders like chronic fatigue syndrome, systemic candida as well as in the management of ARC and AIDS.
The three basic functions of medicinal herbs are:
  • Elimination and detoxification : They are used as diuretics, blood purifiers, and laxatives
  • Health management and maintenance : They are used to stimulate the body's self-healing powers
  • Health building : These are used to tone the organs and nourish the tissues
Herbal formulas have extremely low negative side effects as opposed to antibiotics and other allopathic drugs.

Some Other Medicinal Herbs

Aconite: This has anodyne, diaphoretic, and diuretic properties. The tincture and liniment are used for general purposes. They are generally used for external and superficial application on the skin in lumbago, neuralgia, and rheumatism. It is very poisonous.
Angelica: It is used popularly in grocery trade and medicine. It is used to flavor confectionery and liqueurs. It is also used to combat digestive problems, migraines, anorexia, and gastric ulcers.
Boneset: This specifically helps in relieving the body from influeza or its symptoms. Boneset also provides relief from body ache and pain and assists in handling fevers. The mild laxative of the herb assists in clearing the body wastes and reducing constipation.
Clove: The clove tones down digestive problems and helps the smooth muscle lining of the digestive tract to relax. It also kills intestinal parasites. It acts as an anti-microbial agent against fungi and bacteria. Cloves also have an antihistamine action.
Dandelion: This is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. The leaves are used in salads and teas and the roots as a coffee substitute. They can treat liver, kidney, gallbladder, and joint problems. It is used as a blood purifier and used to cure illnesses like eczema and cancer. It is also used to treat poor digestion.
Jasmine: This is generally used for infections due to high fever, sunstroke, cancer of the bones, dermatitis, conjunctivitis, lymphatic nodes, and breast cancer. It is used to cure mouth ulcers and corns.
Passion flower: This treats the restlessness in the nervous system, neuralgia, anxiety, sleep disorders, irritability, and helps in overcoming the difficulty in falling asleep. The narcotic properties of this herb are used to cure diarrhea, dysentery, neuralgia, sleeplessness, and dysmenorrhea.
Summer savory: This herb is mainly used for culinary purposes and may be added to medicines for its aromatic and warming qualities. It also solves problems of poor sight.
Yellow dock: This is widely used in the treatment of chronic skin complaints like psoriasis. It is useful in relieving constipation and stimulates the gut muscles. The flow of bile is promoted and there is a somewhat obscure action of being a blood cleanser. It plays an important role in treating jaundice.