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Jasmine Tea Benefits and Side Effects

Ratnashri Dutta
Derived from Chinese green tea, jasmine tea is said to have a wide range of health benefits. The antioxidant effects in preventing certain cancer types and reduction of stress levels are just a couple of them. Here's a look at the remaining benefits of this refreshing drink.
The history of jasmine tea goes back to the third century AD, when the jasmine plant was brought to China from Persia. However, it was only during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD) that drinking of this tea became popular.
A very famous Chinese proverb says, "Drinking a daily cup of tea will surely starve the apothecary." The Chinese people considered this beverage to be more than just tea; they saw it as a medicine that was used to cure various diseases and health problems.
There are four types of jasmine tea -- black tea, green tea, white tea, and oolong tea. Soak it, sniff it, take in the soothing smell, sip it, savor the taste, and allow it to refresh your mind and soul. That's the way to drink jasmine tea!
Drinking this tea is known to burn away those fluttering fears, tensions of modern life, and has a very soothing and calming effect. Also called Xiang Pian or Mo Li Hua Cha, people across the world love its intoxicating fragrance and admire its various health benefits.

The Gains

Reduces Anxiety

Some researchers in Japan have found out that the smell of jasmine tea has a very sedative-like effect on people. The aroma reduces the heart rate, and the person becomes calmer, relaxed, and stress-free. The tea also helps in getting rid of muscle and joint pains, chronic back pain, etc.

Prevents Aging

The good news for all beauty-conscious people is that this drink helps in maintaining a clear and glowing complexion. Did you know that by drinking this tea, you can slow down the aging process?
Jasmine tea protects the body from damages caused by free radicals -- oxidized molecules with unpaired electrons that circulate through the body and pick up electrons from other molecules in the body to replace the missing ones. This entire process quickens the aging process, but by drinking this beneficial tea you can prevent such damage to your body cells.

Combats Cold and Allergies

If you are prone to cold, lack of sleep, and throat infections.
jasmine tea can help soothe your aching throat, insomnia, and cold. It is known to help fight off the bacteria, making it tough for them to survive. It also boosts the immune system and prevents you from getting any kind of allergies.

Prevents/Cures Cancer

Studies have shown that jasmine has the ability to slow down the growth of cancer cells in our body. It has a chemoprotective effect on tumors in breasts, and has also shown benefits against prostate cancer.
If free radicals keep developing in the body, they may turn into cancer cells. Jasmine tea, due to its antioxidant property, can fight off these radicals by breaking them off. Thus, there's hope that one day, besides chemotherapy, jasmine will also be used to cure cancer.

Restricts Foodborne Disease

Studies at the Kansas State University have shown that jasmine tea has the ability to restrict the growth of certain bacteria that cause foodborne illnesses. This saves those, who suffer from food poisoning and prevents cholera, dysentery, ulcers, etc.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels

Green tea catechins, which are derived from jasmine green tea lower the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body. However, this test was carried out on a hamster. Hence, more studies need to be done to confirm this benefit in humans. Still, researchers say that jasmine tea could benefit those who follow a fatty diet.

Aids Weight Loss

This tea is good for weight loss as it naturally contains a lot of antioxidants that boost the metabolism and reduce fat cells in the body. It also has a very sweet taste. Hence, you don't have to add sugar, or honey to it.

Improves Mental Health

This tea also acts as an antidepressant. It's good for people with a low level of confidence, fearfulness, menopause, paranoia, postnatal depression, etc.

Side Effects

Along with the benefits come the adverse effects as well. Jasmine flowers, or leaves are usually mixed with green, or oolong tea leaves that contain significant amount of caffeine. Some people say that caffeine is bad for our nerves and heart.
On the other hand, some argue that this is not the case. Well, both sides are right. Too much of anything is bad for us, be it jasmine tea, or some other healthy drink/food.
To lower the caffeine content, buy decaffeinated jasmine tea, or cleanse the tea leaves for 3-4 minutes in water. However, this also has its disadvantage. By purchasing decaffeinated jasmine tea, you miss out on the actual taste, smell, and benefits of this tea.
It also removes nearly one-third of the antioxidants, which is one of the reasons that makes this tea so healthy. So the best thing you can do is balance everything that you eat, or drink and buy high-grade tea. Drink this tea every other day or about 3-5 times in a week and substitute the rest of the days with some other herbal tea.
Note.- Pregnant women should consult their doctor before consuming this tea. It should also not be taken on an empty stomach as it could enhance the acidity levels in the body.

How to Brew

  • To avoid your tea from becoming bitter, use water that is nearly boiling, or scalding.
  • Let the water settle for 2-3 minutes before you add the loose tea leaves.
  • Allow the leaves to steep for about 4-5 minutes, and then strain the tea.
You can welcome your guests with this tea, jump-start your day with it, or sip it just before bed. No matter which time you select, this aromatic and unique-flavored drink is sure to rub off its benefits on you!
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional medical advice.