Itchy skin bumps can be symptoms of an allergy or an insect bite or skin diseases like dermatitis, eczema, etc. Itchy rashes on the skin are very disgusting and vexing. If you are suffering from itchy skin bumps, here are several natural yet effective cures.
Itchy skin bumps are annoying, distracting and irritating. Fortunately, there are a number of natural treatments available for skin bumps. However, it will be highly beneficial if we first concentrate on the reasons behind the occurrence of itchy skin bumps for appropriate treatment and to prevent it in the future.
Causes of Itchy Bumps
The causes of itchy bumps can be recognized by their locations, appearance and environmental conditions. Following are some of the possible causes of this skin condition.
Allergy: One of the most common causes of itchy bumps all over the body is allergy. Some people are allergic to animal hair while some are allergic to pollen. In fact, the allergy can be a response to a topical skin cream, a shampoo or particular chemicals such as sodium laureth sulfate.
It can be due to poison ivy or any other plant reaction. When such things come in contact with your body, your immune system produces a mild response known as an allergic reaction. The reaction may involve the formation of bumps and lumps on the skin, accompanied with itching and a burning sensation. Food can also be the cause of allergy in some cases.
Dry Skin: Dry skin can also be a cause for itchy bumps. It may be caused due to the extreme environmental condition (hot or cold), over-bathing, less intake of water, overexposure to central heating or cooling systems, etc. These conditions can be taken care of by following simple precautions and remedies.
Insect Bites: Formation of itchy bumps on hands, face, legs or any other body part that is generally left exposed, can be due to insect bites. It can be caused due to mosquitoes, bees, bed bugs, lice, pubic lice, etc.
When an insect bites you, it injects its saliva. The saliva, being a foreign substance, acts as an antigen and stimulates the immune system of your body, which leads to a series of reactions.
Skin Diseases: Various skin diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, scabies, chickenpox, folliculitis, hidradenitis suppurativa and shingles (herpes zoster) can also give you itchy bumps.
Treatment of Itchy Bumps
Scratching may aggravate and worsen the condition hence you should be careful with this skin condition. Treatments given below will control the condition and will help you to get relief from the itchy sensation.
Applying essential oils such as lavender and rosemary on itchy skin bumps can provide a soothing and comforting effect.
Mix one tablespoon of jojoba (or any nut oil), one tablespoon of tea tree oil and three tablespoons of neem oil. Keep it in the refrigerator, in order to cool it. Apply it on itchy skin rash before going to bed at night. It will reduce itching and irritation of the skin.
Drink lots of water to avoid dry skin conditions. Keep your body hydrated.
Apply cucumber juice or place a slice of cucumber on the itchy skin bumps for a quick recovery.
Aloe vera is equipped with both antiseptic and antibiotic properties which reduces swelling and itching in the affected area.
Another natural itchy bumps treatment you can try in your home is turmeric powder. Make a paste by mixing one tablespoon of turmeric powder with a few drops of milk. Spread it on the itchy bumps on arms, face or any other body part. Leave it on for about 10 minutes. Turmeric gives you fast, positive results because of its antiseptic properties.
Honey is known for its antiseptic, soothing, healing effects. Apply it on the affected area for 15-20 minutes, and wash it off with water.
A medicated bath can lend some comfort. Fill half a bathtub with warm water. Add half a cup of baking soda and cornstarch. Mix well and soak yourself in it for 10 minutes. This will help reduce irritation and itching.
Apply fresh milk on itchy bumps as this fastens the healing process and reduces the redness and swelling.
Over-the-counter antihistamines and antibiotics can provide relief and comfort.
In case the aforementioned natural remedies for itchy skin bumps do not help to a great extent, and you don't notice any improvement in the swelling, redness and itchiness in the affected area, you must visit a dermatologist for necessary medical assistance.