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How to Stop Sinus Drainage

Kanika Khara
If you want to know how to stop sinus drainage and are suffering from the same condition constantly, keep reading, as the write-up provides you with simple remedies that one can use even at home without the need for any special equipment or medication.
We all must have, at some point or the other, faced sinus drainage. Sneezing, dripping nose, and blocked sinuses can make the condition so bothersome that it seems almost impossible to do your routine work! There can be various causes that may lead to this condition, like common cold, flu, allergens like dust, smoke, pollen grains, etc.
Upper respiratory infections or chronic sinus infection can also be the culprit. All these factors basically irritate the mucus lining which in turn, causes too much mucus secretion. Though mucus is secreted by the sinus in order to keep the nasal passage clean, excess mucus production can result in constant sinus drainage.
Moreover, since the sinuses (the small air filled cavities in our head) are quite narrow, the condition can be very annoying as increased drainage can interfere with the normal functioning of the nose and can even lead to inflammation of the mucus membranes.
However, despite all these sinus problems or complications, there are many ways to stop this condition, irrespective of whether it is due to common cold or some infection.

Sinus Drainage Remedies

The first and foremost step in blocking sinus drainage is to identify the cause. This is because, if you are suffering from a simple cold or some viral infection, you may have to resort to certain treatments to control the problem.
However, if the cause is an allergy, all you have to do is to stay away from the irritants or allergens that cause inflammation of the nose. Here are some of the common treatments that you can do at home to cure sinus drainage due to cold or allergy.

Drink Enough Water

Drink lots of fluids, i.e., at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily in order to keep your system clean. As water helps thinning the mucus, if you are well hydrated, it will surely help in draining out the mucus from your throat, and at the same time will also aid in reducing the amount of mucus which the sinus produces.

Sinus Irrigation

Another effective remedy is sinus irrigation, which helps in cleaning the sinuses of both mucus and allergens. There are basically two ways of doing it, one is to irrigate your sinuses with a mixture of water and saline by squirting the mixture into the nose using a small squeeze bottle or ear/nose syringe.
The other method is by using a neti pot, wherein you put the warm water and salt mixture in the pot and insert the tip of the pot in to one nostril and tilt you head slightly back so that the sinuses can fill with the solution. Once they are filled, the solution will gently drain out from the other nostril, cleansing the sinus cavity.
Ensure that you continue breathing from your mouth during the entire process else the solution will drain down your throat in place of your nose.

Over the Counter Antihistamine

You can also consider taking over the counter antihistamines to dry up your sinuses, especially if it is due to some allergic reaction. It will also help in reducing the inflammation of the nasal passages and in thinning the mucus so that it drains more comfortably.
However, before opting for any antihistamine or nasal decongestant, do consult your health care provider in case you are taking any other medications.

No Spicy Foods

Avoid spicy foods as far as possible as they stimulate the sinuses and can lead to excess mucus production and sinus drainage. Hence, unless you find a significant change in your condition, stay away from foods that are high in spices.


Inhaling steam 3 to 4 times a day can also aid in controlling the problem. All you have to do is to boil a pot of water and inhale the steam by keeping a towel over your head. The steam will help in soothing the inflamed nasal passages and thinning the mucus so that it drains more quickly.
These were some natural ways on how to stop sinus drainage, that can be used to control excessive production of mucus due to cold or any other infection. Try implementing these treatments, but don't expect overnight changes in your condition as these treatments may take some time to improve your condition.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.