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How to Relieve Gas Pain

Bidisha Mukherjee
Gas pain may not be a serious issue, but it causes immense discomfort to such an extent that you may want to get rid of it at the earliest. Read this story to find out how to relieve gas pain in stomach.
Gas is formed inside the intestines during the process of digestion. It is an absolutely normal occurrence. When the food consumed is broken down into simpler particles, inside the digestive tract, some food components, like starch and fiber remain undigested.
These undigested substances are then fermented by some harmless bacteria, which in turn results in the formation of gas in the intestines. When the amount of intestinal gas is less, it does not bother us.
However, when there is an excess amount of gas buildup inside the intestines, then it starts exerting pressure within the digestive tract and causes pain. This sort of a pain is accompanied by belching, flatulence, frequent burping, and abdominal bloating.


Certain conditions tend to increase the production of gas inside the stomach. They are as follows:
» Swallowing too much air while eating and drinking. This usually happens when you try to eat too fast. Drinking with the help of a straw and chewing gum can also result in the problem of swallowing more air.
» Certain fiber-rich foods, such as beans, cabbage, cauliflower, apple, whole grains, etc., tend to create a lot of gas.
» Consumption of processed, high-salt, and spicy foods and carbonated beverages.
» People with lactose intolerance suffer from pain due to gas formation after consuming dairy products.
» Gas formation is also a side effect of medicines, such as antibiotics.

Relieving Gas Pain and Bloating

When large amounts of gas gets trapped in the abdominal cavity, it gives rise to pain in the stomach (intensity varies between mild to severe). Therefore, one should be acquainted with the various remedial measures. A few have been mentioned below:
Apple Cider Vinegar
If you experience gas pain all of a sudden, then you can use apple cider vinegar to control it. Dilute 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and drink it to get relief.
Ginger and Lime Juice
Some people complain about gas formation after every meal. Consuming ginger and lemon juice helps in releasing the trapped gas from the stomach. Freshly grated ginger slices and one teaspoon of lemon juice should be mixed and taken after meals regularly. This can cure the problem permanently.
Fennel Oil
Fennel oil can be applied topically on the stomach area for instant relief. Pour a few drops of fennel oil on the painful part of the abdomen, and massage gently to bring down the pain.
Those who experience pain due to gas formation, after eating certain fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, can get relief by taking over-the-counter, enzyme-based dietary supplements. Its components help in digesting the carbohydrates and fiber found in vegetables and fruits. However, it should be taken along with foods that tend to cause gas.
Prescription Medicines
Severe gas pain that refuses to subside with any home remedies should be properly treated by a doctor. They mostly prescribe antacids, dietary supplements, simethicone, charcoal tablets, etc., to treat the condition. Antacids help to neutralize the stomach acids.
Simethicone breaks down the gas bubbles and controls excessive belching. Lactase supplements contain the enzyme lactase and are given to those who have lactose intolerance so that they can digest the lactose sugar present in dairy products. Charcoal tablets are effective in reducing the intensity of the pain.

Relieving Gas Pain in Infants

Alleviating the problem of gas pain in babies is a major concern for many new parents.
• Soon after feeding, hold your baby in an upright position and pat the lower back area with a gentle hand to release the gas formed.
• Massaging your baby's belly mildly can help him/her pass the gas easily. However, do not give any medicines to the little ones without asking your doctor.
For a permanent relief from recurring gas pain, you have to take a few measures. Keep a close watch on your diet. Eliminate all those gas-forming and salty foods from your diet. Drink plenty of water, around 8 - 10 glasses, throughout the day. Minimize the size of your meals and eat frequently. While eating, ensure to chew your food properly.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.