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How to Improve Circulation in Legs

Rohini Mohan
When the legs do not receive ample amounts of oxygenated blood, it can lead to several health complications. Fortunately, there are many ways of improving circulation in the legs by practicing some simple remedial steps.
Imagine wanting to walk and not being able to do so, just because your legs have become numb or there is this strange electric feeling passing through them. This condition may not seem too serious during the first few instances, but if it recurs it can make simple daily activities such as climbing the stairs a nightmarish task.
Have you ever wondered what might be causing this sudden physiological condition? There can be several reasons playing simultaneous roles in instigating this stimuli.
All reasons end up on the same analysis, which pertains to the fact that the legs are not receiving enough blood circulation and the blood being circulated does not have sufficient supply of essential oxygen.
The main culprit, however, seems to be constricted or shrunk blood vessels reaching down the legs. If the blood vessels get clamped, they will not be able to carry as much blood as they usually could.
One of the reasons why blood vessels get clamped is because of the obstruction of large arteries and the consequent collection of plaque within them. This plaque restricts the blood flow and causes ischemia or loss of feeling or numbness when blood does not circulate properly.
Smokers are by far the most susceptible to this condition, as this habit causes their blood vessels to shrink apart from collecting toxins and heavy sediments. People who suffer from diabetes or have high cholesterol are also vulnerable to this condition.
The only way to escape this health problem is to completely quit smoking, and to make it a point to exercise on a daily basis, in order to increase the circulation in the legs.

Ways to Improve Circulation Throughout the Body

Walk the Extra Mile

It is also very crucial that you take extra efforts to exercise every day for a minimum of 30 minutes. Simple stretching exercises, which involve flexing and contracting your leg muscles will suffice. Going for walks, skipping, climbing the stairs or even jogging will begin to show many positive changes.
The numbness in the legs will begin to reduce and simultaneously the health of your heart will also improve. The heart is the organ responsible for pumping oxygenated blood to different parts of the body, thus making it essential to have a properly functioning heart.
Try lifting your feet above the level of your heart, so that when you bring it down the circulation is increased.

Say No to Dehydration

Drink lot of water and keep yourself hydrated. Dehydration sometimes can lead to low circulation in legs. The reason being that sometimes blood vessels shrink because of lack of osmosis, which requires high concentration of water in order to function efficiently.
Try to drink at least 8 big glasses of water each day. This will help the body get rid of all the pent-up toxins within the system, which have got collected over the years. Avoiding dehydration does not mean that you binge on energy drinks and sugar saturated juices. Drink simple water, or fresh juices without any added sugar.

All That Sugar and Spice

It is very pertinent that the total amount of salt and sugar intake be drastically slashed or brought down so that the kidneys can have a bit of respite and the cholesterol levels do not shoot upwards. A high blood pressure will reduce the amount of blood circulated to the feet as well as other parts of the body.
Make sure you add more calcium to your diet and add all the necessary vitamins and minerals through extra supplements. Avoid spicy food as these cause more water to be absorbed and increase heat and dehydration in the body.

Quit Smoking Please

If you are an habitual smoker, then it is pertinent that you stop smoking immediately. Diabetic patients who smoke are more likely to face complete disability if the habit is not stopped. The reason being lack of blood circulation ends up causing blockage and clotting in the feet, which can cause several complications.
Apart from these tips, try to keep your feet warm, by wearing socks and covering your feet with a warm blanket during winters. Try a warm oil massage as it may help in promoting proper blood circulation. Compression socks are also great for keeping this condition at bay, as these socks provide support to the blood vessels and promote steady increase in circulation.