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How to Get Rid of Calf Muscle Pain

Aastha Dogra
The following story provides some effective tips for getting rid of calf muscle pain. Read on...
Calf muscle pain can occur due to a variety of reasons. Dehydration, intake of a diet lacking in nutrients, problems in blood circulation, undertaking physically stressing activities resulting in muscle overuse - these are some of the possible reasons behind it. Although, this condition can be very painful and discomforting, yet, most of the time, it can be handled at home itself, by making use of some natural cures for pain in the calf muscles.

Tip # 1

Before beginning any treatment for calf muscle pain, take an elastic bandage and wrap the affected area with it. This will ensure that the affected muscles remain in one place and the injury is not aggravated. After this, take an anti-inflammatory medicine, like ibuprofen. These medicines should be taken after every four-five hours, till the muscles show some sign of recovery.

Tip # 2

One of the most effective tips for relieving the pain is to apply an ice pack on the affected area. Take some ice, wrap it in a cloth and apply on the calf muscles. Repeat this process two to three times a day, for about fifteen minutes each. The extreme temperature of the ice will bring some relief from the pain. It will reduce any possible swelling as well.

Tip # 3

Take proper rest. Do not move around too much. Keep your leg at one place and do not strain it in any way. This will ensure that the injury does not become worse, plus there won't be any pain felt if the leg is not moved.

Tip # 4

Take a balanced diet, which supplies the body with the right amount of carbohydrates, calcium, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Potassium and magnesium are especially known to make the muscles healthy, so foods rich in these two minerals, such as bananas, apricots, dates, cabbage, pork, potatoes, grapefruit, broccoli and corn, should be added to the diet.
If the body is healthy, the muscles will heal faster. Along with a balanced diet, make it a point to drink a gallon of water everyday. As an electrolyte imbalance can lead to muscle spasms, so take a sports drink which replenishes your body with the same.

Tip # 5

Give your legs a massage. Take any natural oil and apply it on the affected area. Follow this up by applying pressure with your fingers, on your calf muscles, for about five minutes or so. Repeat the process a couple of times in a day.
Instead of a natural oil, you can make use of an analgesic balm as well, which you can easily find in any chemist store. These balms help the muscles heal and bring down soreness. Taking a warm water bath is recommended too. It will relax your muscles and bring relief from pain as well.

Tip # 6

Stretch your calf muscles. Simply sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Next, push your heels out and your toes towards the ceiling. Hold on to this position for about five seconds and then again come back. Do ten repetitions of this exercise everyday. One caution though, before undertaking this exercise, see to it that the swelling is gone, otherwise it can worsen the muscle injury and pain.

Tip # 7

Researches have shown that the nutrient Carnitine is necessary for maintaining the muscles in a healthy state. As red meats are rich in this nutrient, so include them in the diet. Otherwise, there are tablets available in most health stores which have the same nutrient, so these can be taken up instead of red meats, as they are unhealthy.

Tip # 8

A natural remedy to reduce muscle swelling and soreness is to soak the affected muscles in hot water to which Epsom salts have been added. These salts draw out the wastes and toxins from the muscles, thus relieving pain and inflammation. Moreover, Epsom salts contain magnesium sulfate, which is absorbed by the skin and acts as a nervous system sedative, thus relaxing the muscles in the process.
As a precautionary measure and to ensure that such a condition does not develop again, make a routine of doing warm-ups before undertaking any kind of strenuous physical activity and ending the same with cool-down exercises. Taking rest before and after undertaking a strenuous physical activity is recommended too.
With these tips you should be able to get relief at home itself. However, if calf pain does not go away, the reason could be that you have suffered a second degree strain i.e. a lot of muscle fibers have been damaged or a third degree strain i.e. muscle itself has gotten ruptured. In such a scenario, it is advised to consult a doctor for proper treatment.