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How to Calm a Nervous Stomach

Rajib Singha
This story gives you a simple and easy-to-follow guide on some tips on how to calm a nervous stomach. So keep a pen and paper handy, or simply bookmark the page.
First let us know what exactly does it mean when we say 'nervous stomach'. According to medical experts, this term is nothing but an old usage for long-term indigestion. But does this indigestion has something to do with the nervous system of the body?
Emotions are an important aspect of our lives; in some cases, they are too mild to notice, while in some, overwhelming. Now I won't be taking you through the many kinds of emotions which we exhibit in our day-to-day lives, but let me tell you that, they do influence some or the other physical functions of the body.
One popular example is when someone gets angry. In such an event, adrenaline flows, the person's heart rate increases, blood pressure spikes up, and one symptom that may become visible is the face going red. The relation between getting angry, which is a form of stress, and the physical responses is one of the complex functions in the body, as what experts say.
Also, some functions of the nervous system and the digestive system are somehow interdependently linked to each other. And this linkage can explain the relation of emotions such as stress, anxiety, depression, nervousness, and the like with stomach problems.
Depending upon the intensity of all these emotions, a person may suffer from gradually building or immediate episodes of indigestion like stomachache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Tips on Dealing with Nervous Stomach


A nervous stomach can be a feeling of being nauseous, diarrhea, acidity, being bloated, or belching. So if we speak of over-the-counter or prescription medications, they would vary with the problem the person is facing. And hence it is advised to consult a healthcare provider or a doctor regarding the required medication one needs to administer, in order to avoid the risks of self-medication.

Home Remedies

Better than using medications, going for some home remedies is always a better option, when we consider the risks of side effects of drugs. Some self-care measures that can be beneficial include:
  • One popular remedy on how to calm an upset stomach is ginger tea. Prepare tea as you usually do, make some ginger paste, and add it to the tea while it is still boiling. Add honey to taste, and drink as required. Also, it works best without any milk added to it.
  • One simple tip you can use to calm your nervous stomach is drinking plenty of water. More beneficial is when the water is taken warm, and with a few lemon wedges in it. Honey can be added to improve the taste.
  • As far as foods are concerned, here is a list of some, one can try:
    • Apples (best when eaten in small amounts throughout the day)
    • Crackers and toast
    • Unsalted nuts, or peanut butter
    • Chicken broth
    • Bananas
  • Drinking a cup of peppermint tea, or a tea made from chamomile leaves, also helps in calming stomach ache and other symptoms of nervous stomach.
  • Apart from choosing the right kind of foods it is also necessary to avoid those which can worsen the problem. Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts may be problematic for people suffering from a gas problem. Foods high in fat must also be avoided, and so must foods that are too spicy.
  • Coffee, and alcohol beverages must also be off the menu if one is trying to deal with a nervous stomach. Water is the best option, as already mentioned above.

Managing Stress

As obvious it is, taking care of stress and anxiety also helps in relaxing a nervous stomach.
  • Never forget to breathe deeply, especially when you are at a place free from air pollution. Deeper the breathing goes, more oxygen will be supplied to the organs thus, relaxing the muscles and the nervous system of the body.
  • A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main reasons for increased stress, and the problems caused by it. So, make it a point to get yourself some kind of exercise daily, even if it only includes a brief stroll or a jog around the park.
  • Techniques like meditation and yoga, when practiced in a proper way, can be an effective treatment for not only stress and anxiety but several other ailments of the body.
Being on your toes all the time is the undying demand in today's ever racing time. But taking some time out for yourself is also essential. So relax, do what you love to, and most importantly, always get a good night's sleep. Take care!