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Home Remedies for Walking Pneumonia

Marlene Alphonse
Following certain home remedies for walking pneumonia will ensure that the illness is cured without any harmful side effects. In this Story we will see how to treat walking pneumonia naturally.
Walking pneumonia is triggered by the growth of pathogens like bacteria, fungus or virus in the respiratory tract. This parasitic growth can lead to the inflammation of the lungs and the affected individual may exhibit symptoms of walking pneumonia like difficulty in breathing, pain in the lungs, chest congestion etc.
Though the signs of walking pneumonia, which is also referred to as atypical pneumonia and mycoplasma pneumonia, may resemble those of common cold and flu, they are in truth more severe. Since the lungs are more exposed to external environment they get affected quite easily.
To prevent this disorder from developing complications, it is essential to administer prompt treatment. Apart from clinical medications, there are also many home remedies for walking pneumonia that are helpful in destroying pathogen infestation, thereby curing this respiratory disorder.

Walking Pneumonia Natural Treatment Options

There are a number of antibiotics for walking pneumonia that are used to treat it in a conventional way. Natural remedies work in the same manner, without producing unwanted side effects.
Here are some natural cures for walking pneumonia, that are found in every household and which also promise positive effects and provide complete relief from this disorder.
An effective home remedy for treating walking pneumonia is to take a mixture of honey and ginger juice. Mix a tablespoon of ginger juice with an equal amount of honey, and take it twice or thrice a day. This will help in destroying bacterial infection in the lungs and respiratory tract.
Make a tonic out of sesame seeds, common salt, honey and linseed and consume it at regular intervals. Boil two cups of water in a saucepan and allow the sesame seeds to steep in it. To this add honey, linseed and salt, while continuing to boil. This solution helps clear the phlegm (or mucus) from the bronchial tubes.
The most effective herbal treatment for walking pneumonia is considered to be the use of spices like ginger, chili pepper, garlic and black pepper. Add these spices in concoctions or make a paste of these spices and apply it directly on the chest to clear the respiratory passage.
Taking parsnip juice everyday is also an effective measure to treat this disorder. This juice can be prepared using the root and leaves of the parsnip plant and drinking a glass of juice helps reduce the intensity of the respiratory tract infection.
Increasing the intake of foods rich in vitamins A and C also help in curing this disease. Even supplements of these vital vitamins help in strengthening the inner lining of the lungs and act as a shield in preventing the recurrence of walking pneumonia. It also helps speed up the recovery process.
Taking extracts of thymus and echinacea in the recommended dosage, strengthens the immune system and triggers the production of white blood cells (or leukocytes) to completely get rid of bacteria and virus. These herbal remedies also boost the number of macrophages and phagocytes.
Another home remedy for walking pneumonia is the consumption of herbal teas. Prepare tea by steeping dry fenugreek leaves or seeds, with a few drops of lemon juice. Drink this concoction for about a couple of days at regular intervals. Fenugreek acts as a detoxifying agent and filters the toxins from the body and clears the respiratory and nasal passage.
Fresh vegetable juices like beet juice, cucumber juice and spinach juice also help in treating walking pneumonia and its symptoms. Drinking these natural juices also supplies the body with essential nutrients that prevent further infections.
Apart from these home remedies for walking pneumonia, taking ample rest and a few changes in the diet will put you on the road to a faster walking pneumonia recovery. Hope you found this write-up on walking pneumonia home remedies to be a useful and informative one. Stay healthy!