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Herbs for Bronchitis

Loveleena Rajeev
Herbs are known to effectively treat and prevent bronchitis for many years now. Read on to know about the various herbs that may be used to get relief from the same.
Bronchitis is caused due to chronic cough and cold, where there is an acute inflammation of the trachea, and the large and small bronchi within the lungs. Trachea and the large and small bronchi are the air passages in the lungs. Viruses that cause influenza and flu, as well as bacteria such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae, are known to cause this condition.
When affected, the thin mucous lining of the airways become irritated and swollen. The phlegm starts to accumulate in the lungs and is only secreted out during excessive coughing. However, continuous coughing may cause discomfort and damage to the lungs and airways.
There are many medical treatment available for this condition, but as with all chemicals, they come with certain side effects. But, many herbal remedies are also known to help treat it. A list of such herbs is as follows:


Ginger is a thick, beige underground root that has active oils and pungent phenol compounds, that aid in removal of congestion. It is also a vital ingredient used in cough syrups. Its regular consumption strengthens the immune system, and reduces the bouts of infection.


Eucalyptus has a sharp, pungent aroma and its oil is used in many ointments and cough syrups to help loosen the phlegm, treat cough, and relieve congestion. Fresh leaves are recommended in teas and gargles to soothe sore throats, and treat bronchitis and flu.


Yarrow is perennial herb, that has oils with anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to heal and soothe the congestion's from the mucous membranes and reduce respiratory inflammations. It increases the body's perspiration rate, and helps bring down the fever.


Marshmallow roots and leaves contain a gummy substance called mucilage. It is mixed with water to form a gel, which may be applied to the throat to reduce irritation.


Fenugreek seeds are rich in mucilage, lipids, and protease inhibitors, and is used to treat sore throat. It also helps to remove mucus and phlegm from the air passages.


Lobelia is the Indian tobacco, which is a highly toxic herb. Therefore, it is always recommended in very small doses. It is used to treat respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and severe coughing.


This herb has antibacterial and antiviral properties, that help soothe an inflamed throat . A cup of basil-infused herbal tea is recommended to help clear the mucus from the nose. However, this herb is not advisable for pregnant women.


Ginseng contains active chemical components called ginsenosides, which helps to decrease the swelling and inflammation of the lungs by clearing the bronchial air ways. People with acute heart ailment or high blood pressure are also not recommended use of this herb.

Moringa oleifera

Moringa oleifera acrid roots, leaves, and seeds are used to treat bronchial cold and cough. They also have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation of the throat and lungs.


Mullein constitutes coumarin and hesperidin, that have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, bactericidal, and fungicidal properties. It has been used as an alternative medicine to cure respiratory problems.


Coltsfoot is considered as nature's cough dispeller tobacco. Unlike other tobacco, the use of coltsfoot does not cause any serous negative effects on the body. It helps to relieve asthma and breathing problems caused by bronchitis.
Herbs help to heal and treat the body naturally, without causing serious health repercussions. However, while using different herbs to treat bronchitis, it is best to consult a qualified herbal practitioner, as different herbal components may not be compatible with each other.