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Herbal Tea Remedies

Priya Johnson
Herbal tea remedies are great for those who do not wish to resort to allopathic drugs to treat different ailments affecting the body. There are scores of different kinds of herbal teas available today with all kinds of health benefits and curative properties.
Tea, which has been served for over the past five thousand years, is the most commonly consumed beverage after water today. Besides refreshing the body, tea is also known to have several health benefits such as fighting cancer, regulating blood cholesterol levels, enhancing calorie burning, furnishing the body with antioxidants, etc.
We've all heard of the benefits of herbal teas, which are surging in popularity as the days go by.
Herbal teas, also known as 'tisane', are herbal infusions made from leaves, dried flowers, seeds or roots of herbs. Hot water is poured over the herb and the solution is allowed to steep for a few minutes. It is then strained, sweetened and then consumed.
These herbal teas have held significant place in natural herbal medicine since centuries. Herbal tea was used to treat various ailments and medical conditions.

Herbal Tea for Pregnancy

Though not exactly a remedy, but a very good way to strengthen the body during pregnancy. Red raspberry leaf tea is believed to boost a pregnant woman's overall health and immune system. The leaf comprises high amounts of vitamins, minerals, carotenoids and alkaloids.
This tea is also seen to strengthen the muscles of the uterus and pelvic region, thereby easing the delivery process by promoting uterine contractions. Teas like ginger tea and peppermint herbal tea are known to ease the discomfort and nauseous feeling caused during pregnancy. However, do not drink this tea without first consulting your gynecologist.

Herbal Tea for Depression

It's slightly risky to use herbal remedies for depression. There are several herbs like Saint John's Wort, Kava, Skullcap, Oatstraw, etc. that can be used to treat mild cases of depression, anxiety symptoms, etc. Scientists haven't been able to find out why herbs have such a calming, stabilizing effect on a depressed person's mind.

Heal Peptic Ulcers

Certain studies reveal that licorice root tea can be used to treat stomach ulcers. People with peptic ulcers are given licorice root tea prepared from ½ teaspoon licorice root powder added to a cup of water and boiled for 10 minutes. The patient is asked to drink two cups of this tea daily to find relief.
However, this tea has to be taken in moderation as it can be harmful when ingested in excess amounts.

Herbal Teas for Digestion

Mint teas are well-known for their quality of assisting digestion. Peppermint tea is known to be a stomach soother and is also known to cure gallstone problems and heartburn. Moreover, green tea is known to cure the condition of diverticulitis and promotes the digestion process.

Herbal Teas to Induce Sleep

Chamomile tea has a mild sedative and relaxing effect on the person drinking it. Thus, this tea is given to calm patients in hospitals. This chamomile tea is also given to people with insomnia and other sleep disorders.
According to researchers, herbal tea can not only cure insomnia problems, but can also correct those imbalances within the body that conduce to sleep deprivation.

Herbals Teas to Reduce Growth of Unwanted Hair

In some women, the amount of unwanted hair growth is very high. The high secretion of male hormone in their body causes growth of hair on the face, legs, breasts and other parts of the body. Research reveals that drinking spearmint tea will reduce the amount of unwanted hair growth.
We need to be alert and cautious while consuming herbal tea. In fact we need to be cautious of herbs in general. Even though they are attributed with scores of health benefits, herbs and herbal teas can trigger various side effects.

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Therefore, before consuming any kind of tea, please consult your health care provider about it and the amount you need to consume. Better safe than sorry!