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Health Benefits of Oil of Oregano

Arjun Kulkarni
Oregano oil is extracted from the oregano plant and has several advantages. The uses and health benefits of oil of oregano are discussed in this story.
It is a natural substance that is extracted from the flower of the wild oregano plant. This plant is found in the mountainous desert areas, far from the urban pollution. The oil is extracted when the oil content in the flower is at the highest level, and the necessary medicines are then made without any chemical additions. The oil in itself is so powerful, that there is no real need for any external chemical additives.
The word 'oregano' is derived from a Greek word, meaning 'joy of the mountains'. The plant is widely grown in the Mediterranean, and hence, the medicinal properties of this plant were first discovered and widely used by the Greeks.
Indeed, it is said that the legendary father of medicine, Hippocrates, used the oil for curing a variety of illnesses, such as stomach pain and various respiratory diseases.

Nutrition Facts

  • The health benefits of this oil are known far and wide. It has several crucial minerals like beta-carotene, niacin, and copper, along with antioxidants and various other nourishing nutrients.
  • It also contains Carvacrol, a powerful anti-microbial chemical; Flavonoids, which have natural antiseptic properties, and Terpenes, which are natural anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Being a combination of such diverse and potent components, its uses are diverse and varied.

Health Benefits

  • It is used as a strong, yet natural, cleansing agent. It can be used in hand wash and soaps, to enhance their anti-microbial properties, thus helping to prevent cold and other diseases spread by viruses.
  • It also helps in killing germs that cause digestive problems and diarrhea.
  • It is almost as effective as morphine as a painkiller, and has no side-effects.
  • It is used as an anti-inflammatory drug for curing wounds, cuts, and sores.
  • It is furthermore useful for insect bites, as it destroys the germs in the affected area, and helps to reduce pain.
  • It also finds its uses in treating muscular and joint pains, and therefore, it is a must-have for young athletes and old arthritis patients.
  • It also has antifungal properties, which help in fighting yeast infections, mucus and mucus-like conditions, athletes' foot problems, dandruff, and allergic reactions.
  • It's also used to fight various other bacteria-related problems such as acne, bronchitis, and sinus-like respiratory problems.
They say herbal remedy is the future, as it cures several diseases. Therefore, the medicines containing chemical compounds may be efficaciously replaced by their herbal counterparts. Furthermore, one medicine extracted from nature is the answer to multiple problems. Oregano oil is just that. One oil, many cures, and no side-effects.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.