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Ginger Tea for Colds

Leena Palande
Ginger, the wonderful herb is quite popular in south-east Asia. It adds flavor to tea and other spicy foods. Read on to know how ginger tea works great for colds and how to make it.
Ginger root, an underground tuber, is a part of the age-old culture of Ayurveda. It is used in several herbal remedies. Ginger root is an integral part of herbal medicine and Asian cuisine. Health benefits of ginger root are numerous, as it carries several medicinal properties.
Properties of ginger root are categorized as stimulating, antiseptic, digestive, carminative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, aphrodisiac, expectorator, etc. It has medicinal properties in dry form and in fresh and raw form too. Tea drinking has been claimed to have several health benefits, as it is a pleasant way of consuming anti oxidants.
Ginger tea is a home remedy against cold, asthma, sore throat, flu, bronchitis, nausea and indigestion. Let us first see how to make the tea.

Ginger Tea Recipe

If you feel that influenza or common cold has arrived around you, then a cup of lemongrass flavored hot ginger tea may prove to be a wonderful remedy. It has an invigorating taste which can refresh you within minutes.
  • Water - 4 cups
  • Grated fresh ginger root - ΒΌth cup
  • Herbal tea - 2 teaspoons
  • Small lemon - 1
  • Lemon grass - 1 stalk sliced
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon
  • Boil the water.
  • Reduce the heat.
  • Add sliced lemon grass stalk.
  • Add grated ginger.
  • Simmer for around ten minutes.
  • Turn off the heat.
  • Add herbal tea.
  • Strain the mixture
  • Add lemon for extra flavor
  • Add honey to sweeten
  • Serve the tea hot
There are various ways of making ginger tea. For colds, it is the best treatment. The tea is the most gentle form of consuming ginger, but remember not to consume too much of ginger tea, as it may lead to heart burn. You may use ginger oil or dry ginger powder to make the tea. You may add some spices like cardamom, cloves or even strips of orange peel. Sometimes, you can add milk or sugar.

How to Treat Colds with Ginger Tea

  • Flu or cold can lead to loss of appetite. Hot ginger tea helps solve this problem. According to the traditional Chinese medicine, the tea has strong yang energy, which warms the stomach and lungs. It stimulates the appetite and aids in digestion. The digestive system is weakened during flu.
Ginger acts as a digestive aid, mainly because of the shogoals and gingerols that it contains. These stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, after neutralizing the acids in the stomach and thus, helps tone the muscles of the digestive tract.
  • It is best if you drink ginger tea thrice a day, at the first sign of cold.
  • Use mother ginger, also known as old ginger, as it is the best. You can get it in Chinese markets.
  • Avoid taking aspirin along with this tea or immediately after the intake of the tea, because, both are blood thinners.
  • Hot ginger tea can be used to reduce sinusitis and throat soreness.
  • The tea, when served hot, acts as a circulation booster and so, makes you alert and energetic.
  • Hot tea increases perspiration and thus, helps reduce fever if there's any.

How to Use Ginger to Treat a Cold

  • Ginger can be used in fresh form, chopped, grated or finely sliced form.
  • Ginger can be used in dry powdered form.
  • Ginger paste can be stored in refrigerator.
  • Ginger oil can be used for the same purposes.
  • Ginger can be added to tea, soups, curries, vegetables, rice etc.
  • Small pieces of ginger can be directly eaten. You can add lemon drops and salt to ginger pieces and bite into these pieces directly.
  • Some soft drinks like ginger soda are also available in markets.
In India and China and in other eastern countries, ginger tea has been used as a remedy against cold and flu for 2500 years. It is also used for the effective treatment of sore throat, nasal congestion, and sinus pain. Not only through ginger tea, but also through various other ways, ginger is effectively used to treat asthma, cold, bronchitis and influenza.
The expectorant properties of ginger make it very effective in such treatments. The compound cineole, plays an important role in offering various effects. If there is stress or depression, tension or anxiety due to flu or asthma or constant cold, ginger can be used, as it offers great relief from all types of stress.
Ginger has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which help in relieving any kind of pain. You can use a paste of ginger or ginger oil to rub into the aching muscles. It helps get rid of headache due to cold and flu. Ginger root extract is more advantageous than common pain killers.
It is interesting to know how ginger cleans up the whole system - the throat and the mucus from the lungs, which are the main culprits in the blockage of lungs and the wind pipe.
Ginger helps the body sweat and it also prevents infections. As sweating results in detoxification of the body, it reduces the symptoms of cold and flu. Hence, ginger is considered a wonderful natural medicine.
I am sure, now there is no doubt regarding usefulness of ginger tea for colds. Next time you buy vegetables, you would definitely look for ginger or buy a pack of dry ginger to store at home.