If someone was asked about what worries themself more; foot tingling or an ugly bruise on the face, it would be the latter in most cases. Tingling sensation in the body, although, seemingly mild, could be an indication of a serious neurological problem...
Foot tingling in some cases is a harmless or temporary condition. For example, people who tend to remain seated in the same place for a long time, often complain against tingling in their feet.
The same happens to people who remain standing or have the habit of keeping their legs crossed for a prolonged period. Such actions interfere with normal blood circulation, and this can trigger a "pins and needles" sensation in the foot.
Once the person resumes an appropriate posture, the tingling ceases to occur. In some cases, if the tingling in the foot or elsewhere in the body is accompanied by numbness, pain, burning sensation or itchiness, then it may indicate something else.
What Causes Your Foot to Tingle?
• Fatigue
• A herniated disk
• Diabetes (cause in 30% of cases)
• Tumors
• Scar tissue
• Enlarged blood vessels
• Shingles
• Frostbite
• Cholesterol (plaque) build up
• Deficiency of vitamin B12
• Stroke
• Multiple sclerosis
• Carpal tunnel syndrome
• Migraines
• Seizures
• Hypothyroidism
• Raynaud's phenomenon
• Alcoholism
• Abnormal levels of calcium, potassium or sodium
Treatment Measures for the Condition
Treatment mainly involves diagnosing and treating the underlying cause of the tingling. For example, if diabetes is the offender, then keeping blood sugar levels under control helps in the treatment.
While following what the doctor recommends, one may follow a few self-care measures at home to manage the tingling sensation and its accompanying symptoms. Some of them include:
☛ Keep your tingling foot in an elevated position for sometime. Use two to three comfortable pillows for support.
☛ Avoid sitting on your legs or with crossed legs.
☛ Wear shoes that have a proper fit and have enough room for your fingers to wiggle. Avoid tight fitting shoes and those with high heels. Such shoes cut blood circulation in your legs and this may worsen the tingling and pain.
☛ Perform stretching exercises for flexibility. Such exercises help calm down tense nerves and minimize tingling and pain. Avoid running and other high-impact workouts as they can worsen the condition.
☛ Most people use compression stockings to manage tingling, itching, and numbness of foot, especially when they are accompanied by swelling. These stockings exert firm pressure at the lower portion of the leg, and less pressure higher up. This encourages blood to circulate normally towards the heart which reduces swelling, tingling and the other symptoms.
☛ Certain drugs may also trigger tingling as a side effect. If you suspect any drug that you are taking could be a cause behind the tingling or burning sensation, then discuss with your doctor for a suitable alternative.
☛ Avoid exposure to toxins.
☛ Maintain healthy weight.
☛ Limit alcohol or even better, shun it completely.
☛ Quit smoking.
To conclude, inculcate a balanced diet, and include foods rich in B vitamins. Deficiency of these vitamins is one of the major causes of problems associated with the brain and nervous system.
Wheat and oats, fish and seafood, poultry, meat, egg, milk, yogurt, leafy green vegetables, beans and peas are some good sources of B vitamins. Furthermore, such foods are particularly helpful for diabetics who are susceptible to nerve damage.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.