A few tips on foot fungus home remedy have been presented in this story to help you deal with the condition at home.
Rajib Singha
When we speak of foot fungus, we generally refer to what is known as athlete's foot. It is the most common fungal infection that may affect different parts of the foot. Another name for it in clinical terms is tinea pedis. This infection, in most cases, affects the moist parts between the toes.
How to Manage Foot Fungus At Home
Normally, tinea pedis treatment involves the use of over-the-counter antifungal medications, for mild cases. However, if they don't, then prescription-strength medicines are recommended at the doctor's.
Remedy #1 Vinegar has been known to be a popular, natural foot fungus cure since ages. All you have to do is mix vinegar and water by equal parts, and soak in the affected foot at least for 15 minutes. For best results, continue doing this for 2 weeks.
Remedy #2 Also, you can soak in your foot for sometime in warm water, mixed with Epsom salt. Even this is helpful for fungal infection.
Remedy #3 Another effective remedy is tea tree oil. This substance has antifungal properties thus, providing for a natural solution to deal with the condition. It has to be applied directly to the infected foot, three times a day.
It is recommended to use this oil at least for 2 weeks, even after the infection has gone. This would help to reduce the chance of any recurrence.
Remedy #4 Place a few cinnamon sticks in a pot filled with water. Bring the water to a boil, and let it cool down. Pour the water in a large vessel and soak in your feet.
Remedy #5 Listerine is known as an effective mouthwash, but very few are aware of its use to treat foot fungus. Before going to bed, pour Listerine over the infected foot. Wait for sometime before rinsing off. Regular use of this antiseptic mouthwash, would speed up the recovery.
Remedy #6 Another remedy is the regular use of baking soda. Sprinkle some over your feet everyday, and some on your shoes too. This stuff helps in keeping things dry thus, discouraging fungal growth.
Remedy #7 Grapefruit seeds extract has also shown its benefits in treating the problem. This extract is antifungal in nature. Take a few drops of it on your palm and rub it on the feet. Do this twice or thrice daily.
Type 1 One early symptom of the condition is a feeling of intense itching, burning and stinging that occurs between the toes. The same may also felt on the soles.
Type 2 There might develop blisters, which may itch.
Type 3 The affected areas, which may be the soles and the area between the toes, may develop cracked or peeling skin.
Type 4 The above symptoms may be accompanied by excessive dryness on the infected areas.
Type 5 There are cases, when this infection may spread to the toenails. And when it does, the nails become discolored, thick and crumbly.
Dermatophytes are known to be a group of mold-like fungi. They are normal inhabitants of our skin. They cause no harm until the skin remains clean and dry. However, if they get the scope to thrive in warm, and damp environment, their growth becomes unchecked. This is why people who constantly wear tight shoes, commonly suffer from fungal foot infection.
To conclude, the above methods work well for mild conditions. But if they don't, then the problem might be more than just being mild. So show yourself to the doctor and follow his recommendations well.