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Flea Bite Scars

Flea bites are often accompanied with severe skin irritation, resulting in formation of dark red or purplish spots. Treatment for flea bite scars is achieved with natural remedies and simple home care tips.
Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Fleas are grouped under external parasites, as they feed on human blood and other warm-blooded animals. With several flea species attacking humans as their host organism, flea bites in humans are not uncommon. These nasty parasites are capable of transmitting tapeworms, murine typhus and plague in humans.
Severity of flea bite symptoms differ from one person to another. Those people who have a hypersensitive immune system report serious skin symptoms and flea allergy dermatitis.
The obvious sign of flea bite is development of a small, itchy, reddish, hard skin bump. Actual bite is not a subject to worry about and mild pain is felt for a short duration. But while biting and drawing blood, this parasite injects salivary secretions, which trigger allergies.
Some people experience intense skin itchiness and inflammation, which often trigger secondary infections. Such skin reactions leave behind prominent scars. Thus, appropriate flea bite treatment is aimed at preventing infections and treating skin scars.

How to Get Rid of Flea Bite Scars?

Flea bite scars are most common in the exposed areas where fleas attack most often, such as arms, ankles and legs. Having unsightly scars in these prominent areas is definitely a concern for many people. However, complete flea bite scar removal is not that easy. After all, skin scarring takes its own course of time to clear away.
Fortunately, there are certain remedial measures for flea bite scar treatment at home. The following are some tips on how to remove the scars effectively.

Avoid further Scarring

Skin scars that stem from flea bites develop due to constant scratching. So, the first and foremost thing is to stop scratching and irritating the area. In case of intense itchiness, applying a calamine lotion or any antihistamine ointment to curb irritating symptoms.
Children should wear proper clothing to cover the affected area, to prevent scratching. This will minimize the likeness of skin infection and scarring.

Keep Skin Hydrated

Dry skin increases the chances of making flea bite scars more distinct. Mild itching and discomfort are typical signs of lack of moisture in skin. These coupled with flea bites trigger formation of dark spots.
A simple tip to replenish moisture and promote natural healing of scars is using essential oils over the flea bites. Natural oils for skin care include almond oil, grape seed oil, tea tree oil, geranium oil and lavender oil.

Go for Herbal Remedy

The anti-inflammatory properties and benefits of aloe vera gel in treating skin irritations and removing scars are not new to us. This transparent liquid works wonders in flea bite scars treatment too. Take one fresh aloe vera leaf and trim off the upper surface and sides with a sharp knife.
Scoop out the gel with a spoon (excluding the yellow part) and apply it over the scars. Do this everyday for 1 week and scars will fade away shortly.

Sandalwood for Scar Treatment

In herbal medicine, sandalwood is a highly prized herb remarkable for its curative properties. Both sandalwood powder and oil serve as cicatrisant, and are used for natural scar removal. An effective way to use sandalwood powder and mixing it with a few drops of rose water to make paste, and applying it over scars. Keep it for 30 minutes and wash with warm water.

Wonders of Lemon Juice

Another remedy is using lemon juice over the affected area. Besides having bleaching property for scar treatment, this mild acidic juice reduces itchy symptoms and minimizes risks of secondary infections. Take freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply it over scars daily before going to bed. Leave it overnight and next day rinse with cold water. Follow the same for 2 weeks to lighten scars.
These simple tips will help to lighten flea bite scars. If they do not work, consult a trusted dermatologist for professional treatment. For those who get bitten by fleas repeatedly, it is high time to check for signs of flea infestation at home. Positive indications include presence of flea dirt that become red after crushing with water and flea eggs.
If infestation is ascertained, don't delay in taking up the flea control program, which encompasses treatments for home, outdoor environment and pets. By doing so, one can prevent flea bites and the unpleasant scars that develop in the bite sites.