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Benefits of Diuretic Herbs

Palmira S
Water retention is caused due to many medical conditions and certain medicines. There are many herbs that can be used to cure these diseases. Here is some information about diuretic herbs which are effective in such cases.
Diuretic herbs are also referred to as aquaretics because they increase urination without depleting electrolytes from the body. These herbs reduce the water retention capacity of the body by causing the person to urinate more frequently than usual. These herbs clear the excess water present in the tissues. The process of clearing the excess water present in the tissues is referred to as forced diuresis.
These herbs are used to treat many diseases and most of the time they do not have any side-effects on the human body. They are used as a remedy for many diseases, like, kidney diseases, hypertension, edema, urinary tract infections, etc. They can also be used for the treatment of drug overdose by promoting urination. These herbs should be consumed under the supervision of a herbal practitioner or a person qualified in medicine.
Some of the diuretic herbs include saffron, sage, hops, fennel, chicory, mint, hops, skullcap, yarrow, golden seal, dandelion, nettle, marshmallow, and spearmint. These herbal diuretics are safe and are consumed by many people. Information related to a few of them is underlined ahead.


It is used as a medicine for the treatment of headache, cold, fever, cough, high blood pressure, and infection. It reduces the smooth muscle spasms along the digestive tract and is also used as a sedative.

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It eliminates the toxins and unwanted fluids present in the body via urination. The volatile oil of this herb creates a strong inflammatory effect.


Dandelion, a natural herb, cleanses the liver and blood stream. It amends the performance of the spleen, pancreas, kidneys, and liver.

Green Tea

This herb is used as a stimulant by many people. It helps to heal wounds, control bleeding, and also improve the heart health.

Stinging Nettle

The root of nettle plant consists of primary diuretic properties, however, other parts of this plant are used for the purpose of cleaning the circulatory system.

Consumption of Diuretic Herbs

Many herbal diuretics can be taken in the form of capsule, tea, or as an extract. Some of them can be consumed raw or can be eaten with salads, like mint, dandelion, sage, chicory, etc. For making tea using any of the aforementioned herb, add a teaspoon of the dried herb to a cup of boiling water. The tea should be steeped for 10-15 minutes in the container.
After steeping, strain it, and add honey to it. It is advised to have 1-4 cups of this herbal tea every day, or 1-3 capsules per day to get maximum benefits. Before consuming the herb, its property should be well-known and it should be consumed accordingly.
Most of the herbs can be consumed in the form of capsule or tea; but it is always better to consult a herbal practitioner before taking any of these herbs.

Side Effects

Different natural herbs have different side-effects. They are safe only if taken in moderate amounts. Over-dose may give rise to problems or symptoms, like, reduction in blood volume, dehydration, nausea, diarrhea, etc. If the symptoms persist, discontinue the consumption of these herbs.
Consumption of these natural diuretic herbs in appropriate amounts can keep you away from many diseases and make you look healthy and young.