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Crystals for Different Chakras in the Body

Buzzle Staff
Body chakras are said to be energy centers located in the body. They are believed to help maintain physical and mental balance. Different crystals are known to activate different chakras in the bod.
The word 'chakra' has a Sanskrit origin, meaning 'wheel'. There are seven active chakras in the body, and they are supposed to be the powerful energy wheels that course through the spine, infusing the body with life. These chakras affect our lives physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually.
Chakras are not a part of the physical body - they are not a tangible component that one can sense. But they are still there, as a part of the subtle body, and can be activated through certain meeting points. Their activation helps life force, called 'prana', into the body, coursing through the veins, energizing the nerves, and helping us balance our lives.

Chakras, Crystals, and Energies

Chakras, the energy nodes that exist within the bioplasmic body, are believed to govern our bodily functions. Each one has a color associated with it and has a specific meaning. In many cases, crystal wands are used to open and balance the chakras too.
Spiritual masters believe that every chakra is associate with a particular body part, and when they are re-energized and healed with the help of crystals, they help the person become more positive, balanced, clear, and peaceful.
Crystals apparently have a certain healing frequency, and help channel energy towards strengthening and recuperating. You must know how to use crystals for chakras for optimal healing of the body and mind.
This is the first chakra and is located at the root of the spine. It energizes the entire physical element, starting at the base. It is responsible for grounding and is associated with the colors red and black. 
Crystals: Red jasper, onyx, hematite, garnet, smoky quartz, tiger's eye, red zincite, agate, black tourmaline, black obsidian, bloodstone, etc.
This chakra is associated with the element of Earth and the sense of touch. It directs your energy so that you have physical strength, stability, security, and willpower. When it is weak, you may feel tired, depressed, and out of control. When it is strong, you would feel grounded, confident, and in control.
The second chakra is located below the navel. It regularizes digestion, and helps with eating disorders and sexual appetite. It is associated with the colors orange, and bluish-green.
Crystals: Carnelian, turquoise, blue-green fluorite, orange calcite, orange zincite, moonstone, coral, etc.
This chakra is associated with the element of Water and the sense of taste. It balances your energies towards emotions, physical desires, reproduction, hunger, and creativity. When it is weak, you may feel disoriented, angry, lethargic, and abusive. When it is strong, you would feel full, comforted, happy, and satisfied.
This is the third chakra and is located below the breastbone, right at the solar plexus. It is said to purge the mind of unnecessary thoughts and clear the head. It is associated with the color yellow.
Crystals: Citrine, yellow sapphire, yellow jasper, golden calcite, malachite, topaz, etc.
This chakra is associated with the element of Fire and the sense of taste. It directs your energies to improve intelligence, power, and ambition. When it is weak, you may feel powerless, fearful, and may experience a loss of identity, to the point of an existential crisis. When it is strong, you might feel focused, ambitious, and confident.
This is the fourth chakra and is located in the center of the chest. As the phrase goes, 'the heart wants what it wants', this chakra is said to be responsible for all the love in your life - giving, accepting, and spreading unconditional love.
It also teaches us to love ourselves and feel important. It is associated with the colors pink and green.
Crystals: Rose quartz, green tourmaline, green calcite, rubellite, green aventurine, malachite, watermelon, jade, etc.
This chakra is associated with the element of Air and the sense of smell. It is responsible to increase love in life. It helps balance your energies to bring about love, affection, compassion, and emotions. When it is weak, you may feel unloved, unwanted, and unattached. When it is strong, you would feel lovable, caring, and desirous.
This is the fifth chakra and is located in the throat. It is responsible for honesty and clear communication. It improves the person's ability to express his thoughts and feelings, and express himself in a straightforward manner. It is associated with the color blue.
Crystals: Lapis lazuli, blue calcite, turquoise, blue kynite, angelite, aquamarine, blue lace agate, etc.
This chakra is associated with the element of Air and the sense of sound. It channels your energies into clear communication and freedom of expression. When it is weak, you may be unable to say the truth, and in the worst cases, you may be deceptive and dishonest too. When it is strong, you would feel truthful, articulated, and honest.
This is the sixth chakra and is also called 'the brow chakra'. It is located between the eyebrows, right at the center at the medulla. It is believed to enhance psychic abilities and intuitive powers. It is associated with the color indigo.
Crystals: Azurite, sodalite, purple fluorite, amethyst, lapis lazuli, obsidian, sugilite, etc.
This chakra is associated with the element of Light (Electricity) and the sense of sight. It balances your energies to improve spiritual power and awareness, insight, intuition, etc.
When it is weak, you may feel disorganized, and may not be able to trust yourself, your instincts, or your gut feelings. When it is strong, you would feel confident and capable of trusting yourself, and you will be aware of the spiritual guidance surrounding you.
This is the seventh chakra and is located at the top of the head. It enhances our spiritual abilities, gives us a higher connection with the universe, and infuses our minds with infinite energies. It is associated with the colors violet and white, with a slight gold tinge.
Crystals: White calcite, amethyst, white topaz, clear quartz, diamonds, selenite, etc. 
This chakra is associated with the element of Spirit and the sense of perceptions. It helps your energies focus towards spirituality, higher consciousness, understanding, perfection, and enlightenment.
When it is weak, you may experience an inability to concentrate, think, or make decisions. When it is strong, you would feel aligned and powerful, and you will feel like your life is on the correct path, with the right purpose.
While there are basically only 7 chakras, some experts vouch for the existence of three more. They are also associated with transmitting life force into the body and helping us to lead a happy life when they are activated.

The Earth Chakra

It relates to the root of our very existence, the core of our being. It is located below the soles of the feet, and aligns the body with the magnetic field of the Earth. It must be healthy and active in order to keep you grounded. It is associated with the color black.

Crystals: Black kynite, obsidian, chiastolite, etc.

The Soul Chakra

It encompasses the soul and the spirit. It is located about 6 inches above the head, and is the point where love enters the body. It is a part of the etheric body, and stands for spirituality, compassion, wisdom, divinity, and universal energy.
It is believed to be stronger for people who may possess spiritual gifts or psychic abilities. It is associated with the shades of blue.

Crystals: Blue kynite, phenacite, natrolite, etc.

The Higher Heart Chakra

It is located in the upper chest, between the heart and throat chakras. It represents the emotions of love and compassion. It connects the soul body to the physical body. It is associated with the thymus gland. When it is very strong, many say that people may remember their past lives, karma, and life purposes.
It is associated with the colors green, turquoise, pink, and aqua.

Crystals: Aquamarine, green kynite, rose quartz, etc.