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Constant Nausea and Gas

Azmin Taraporewala
Constant nausea and gas could be signals of various irritants that trouble the normal rhythm of our body. Here are the causes and some sources of treatment that you may resort to imply.
Nausea -- in the most elementary terms -- is a phase that precedes vomiting. Nausea and vomiting are ineptly connected. When you feel nauseated, you are bound to feel as though you would throw up any moment. Most of the time, you end up doing so and force out all the contents that has ducted up in your stomach.
From your stomach through the esophagus to throat, the food you had consumed makes way and it is then that you feel light as this unpleasant feeling is also accompanied with a heavy head. Nausea and gas can be a symptom of various health conditions or it may just be a sign of minor digestive system disturbances that have put your system on a perpetual hold.
Constant nausea and gas after eating may be an induced method of throwing up all that you have consumed. It is also comprehended as an eating disorder termed bulimia nervosa that leads to being bulimic by health.

What Causes Constant Nausea and Gas

There could be many factors that may be responsible in causing nausea and gas. The most common factor is the food you consume, for some people cannot tolerate a pinch of spice in their food. There are also some who cannot have aerated water or drinks because consuming them may cause the individual to develop gas and hyperacidity.
Spicy food, as mentioned earlier, is also one factor that causes gas and the result is nausea and vomiting. Food poisoning or eating stuff from places that are typically hygiene-challenged can lead to nausea, accompanied with vomiting and headaches. The most evident factor that causes constant gas leading to nausea is one's eating habits.
There are some people who are always in a hurry and consider gulping down food instead of peacefully chewing each morsel. It is a sad state when we see people struggling with this condition and still not realizing that the main cause that is forcing them to develop acidity and gas, finally culminating with nausea and vomiting, is their erratic eating habit.
Erratic meal timings also make a lot of difference to your system. If you maintain strict timings for having your meals you are sure to have control over instances where you are stuck with gas and dizziness. If you are in awe of heavy, rich meals and food soaked in oil, you are inviting great trouble for yourself.
This is one factor that can make the individual susceptible to severe gas and acidity. Constant nausea followed by vomiting and gas with a feeling of bloating up is a symptom of pregnancy, as well. Feeling sick in the morning, being sensitive to smell and taste, are the signs that you have conceived. Enduring these symptoms is normal for pregnant women.

Treatment Options

► Stress is one of the main factors that may contribute to aggravating nausea.Yogaclasses could do wonders to calm your nerves.
► Smoke, fumes, perfumes, smell from cooking can cause nausea and dizziness. At the time of pregnancy, women are averse to the idea of going anywhere near such sites that entertain such odors. Avoid being exposed to such irritants and control the situations that may cause constant nausea and gas followed by vomiting.
► Try to exclude foods that are spicy and greasy. Bland food is what is meant for you. Be careful and keep a check on what you eat and where you eat.
► Foods, such as whole grains, fruits, green leafy vegetables aid in keeping your system clean and avoid constipation.
► Try to avoid foods that have resulted in unpleasant health experiences.
► If you feel nauseous after eating, a few sips of peppermint or chamomile tea will help you feel better. Herbal teas have a soothing effect on the digestive health.
► If you keep having constant nausea and gas, have a few bites of ginger cloves after eating. The taste might not be appetizing; however, where health and well-being is concerned you need your taste buds to compromise on this note.
With these little, but significant treatment modes, you will find that gas, constipation, and nausea seldom bother you, if not completely evacuate your system.
Disclaimer: This story is meant to accomplish pedagogical purposes only. The information, by no means, intends to supplant the diagnosis and advice imparted by a healthcare professional.