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Clove Oil and Dry Socket

Dr. Sumaiya Khan
There are many uses of clove oil, with even dry socket treatment being one of them. In this story, let us try to decipher the hidden relationship between these two.
There are so many dental problems that may occur at the same time in a person's mouth, that it may become difficult to keep count. However, there are a few problems that are relatively less common than others. The most common problems faced by people is tooth decay and malocclusion (improperly aligned teeth or crowding teeth).
But there are a few problems that are faced by people that are relatively rare. One such problem is known as a dry socket. A dry socket is a complication that occurs after tooth extraction. There are many ways of dealing with a dry socket. One of the ways that has gained a lot of popularity is making use of clove oil.
Many people may be aware of the various uses of clove oil, but its use for getting rid of a dry socket may be news for some. We first need to understand what a dry socket is. After an extraction is done, usually, the empty socket where the tooth was, eventually gets filled up with bone and heals in some time.
During tooth extraction recovery, there is formation of a clot in the socket which is what initiates and promotes healing. If, due to some reason, this clot gets dislodged, then it leads to dry socket symptoms. A dry socket after tooth extraction is actually an emergency, as any person who has experienced dry socket pain will tell you.
However, if at all you happen to suffer from this at a time when you cannot go to your dentist, then you can always try to make use of the clove oil.

Using Clove Oil to Ease Dry Socket Pain

One of the most common home remedies, when it comes to treating a dry socket, is a certain way of using clove oil. Dry socket is basically a non-infected open wound and you cannot simply pour clove oil by the gallon into your empty socket. This will not only leave a bad taste in your mouth but will also provide you with little relief. You need to take a piece of gauze or cotton, and on it, put a few drops of clove oil.
Dry socket may be quite painful to touch, so you need to slowly insert the gauze into the socket, and stuff it in lightly. After a while, you will slowly feel the pain decreasing. Clove oil is said to have anesthetic and soothing properties, and is also a mild germicide. Thus, although it is not a mainstay when it comes to treatment, it considerably aids in alleviating the pain.
Ideally, a dry socket is an emergency condition because the pain associated with it is excruciating. Treatment involves cleaning and irrigating the area properly, before placing a gauze pack to hasten the healing time.
However, on the bright side, this a complication that arises in only 5% of patients that undergo a tooth extraction. If you want to avoid this condition altogether, then there are some simple prevention tips, like not using a straw after an extraction and not spitting.