Bug bites that cause blisters may be painful and terribly itchy. They may also cause redness, swelling, and red bumps. Let us know how to manage this condition from the given story.
With onset of rainy season, the intensity of insect infestation increases. It's because the damp and moist climate is very conducive for their fertilization. Other than this, they also get transported to household from travel bags, rags and bedding. Most insects build their niche in between wooden furniture and creep out during the night.
How to Manage Bug Bites At Home
# Rub ice immediately on the affected area. You can also crush some ice and pack it in a cloth to take cold compress. This home remedy is the best option for getting complete relief from the burning sensation and the red bumps will also disappear gradually.
# Wash the itchy bumps with soap solution. Dip a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide (water and hydrogen peroxide, 50:50 ratio) or alcohol and rub gently over the affected area. Wash the hydrogen peroxide after two minutes with cold water. Then apply an over the counter antiseptic ointment.
# You can also apply pure aloe vera gel or calamine lotion over the blisters. Repeat application thrice a day to get quick relief. Furthermore, restrict yourself from itching no matter how strongly you feel the urge.
Note: You must visit a physician if you notice severe infection. Doctors prescribe antihistamines and anti-allergic drugs to combat infections. The medicines reduce itching and swelling. Blisters and inflammation are cured by anti-inflammatory creams and lotions.
Bug Bites Causing Painful Blisters
You can easily identify a bed bug. They are round-shaped insects having tiny stings and crawlers; resembling baby cockroaches. Since they crawl at night, they bite secretly and hide at once. You will suffer from heavy itching after bitten by a bed bug. Red bumps appear on the surface of the skin and they will itch continuously.
Blisters form when you itch vigorously and the upper layer of the dermis is either shed or inflamed. Similar kind of swelling and blisters are noticed as a result of tick, mites, and wasp bite.
If you have a sensitive skin, then the aftereffect of the bite will be intense. A series of anaphylactic reactions get stimulated in your body immediately after they bite you. Their stings and mandibles contain poisonous chemicals that trigger the anaphylactic reactions, which is a defense mechanism of the body against foreign particles.
Reactions that remain localized at the site of the bite are not serious but problems crop when the infection becomes malignant. Cases have been reported where anaphylactic reactions from bed bug bites have taken severe forms and have spread to the throat and mouth.
In such cases, an individual might also experience tightness in the chest and difficulty in breathing. Other symptoms include low blood pressure, dizziness, sweating, and wheezing. Although bed bug bites are painless, they are infectious enough.
Avoiding Bug Infestation
Take preventive measures to keep your house free from bed bugs and other types of insects.
All you can do is, dust wooden furniture at least thrice a week, check the crevices of walls and beds, expose bedding and upholstery to the sun, and make sure your travel bugs do not contain bed bugs.
Spray insect repellents in their most probable dwelling zones at least once a week to prevent them from nesting in the future.
Chances of bed bug infestation automatically reduce if you make an effort to keep your house clean and tidy.
Bug bites that cause blisters might belong to the poisonous group of insects, which is why immediate allergic reactions are triggered. Although the home remedies are quite effective in providing immediate relief, you should seek for medical check up to be on the safe side.
I should also mention that, do not panic after seeing the blisters and swelling for they heal completely after few days.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.