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Causes and Remedies for Boils on Legs

Suvamita Ghosh
Boils are skin abscesses that are characterized by pain, inflammation, pus, and redness around the affected skin. Tap ahead to learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of boils on legs.
Boils are caused by Staphylococcus aureus, which are bacteria that are normal inhabitants of our skin, and are considered harmless, unless they cause any deep tissue infection. They cause reddish raised bumps above the skin which can take large, painful forms.
The middle core of a boil consists of pus, which is a discharge due to inflammation. These painful sores can develop on different parts of the body, like armpits, shoulders, face, neck, thighs and legs. The infected skin turns red and swells up. This may be followed by pus formation.


The most common cause for boils on legs is due to the entry of Staphylococcus bacteria through various skin cuts or through a damaged hair follicle too. Overactive sweat glands could also be contributory factors for this skin condition.
People suffering from skin disorders are also susceptible to sores on the body, the most common area being the legs. Poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle, eating junk, and spicy foods are also contributing factors. People suffering from diseases like diabetes and having a weak immune system are vulnerable too.
Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is essential to prevent skin abscesses. It is essential that one wash their hands thoroughly before and after touching the affected area, since the infection could spread to other parts of the body or even get transferred to someone else.

Home Remedies

Keep yourself hydrated, by drinking plenty of water. This helps to get rid of the toxins from the body. Incorporate fruits such as bananas, grapes, cucumber and water melons, as well as fresh vegetables in your diet.
You can apply tea tree oil or castor oil on the affected area with a cotton pad. Application of these oils helps the pus to come out. This also aids in reducing the inflammation and enhances the process of healing.
Needless to say, turmeric is a wonder drug which is full of anti-inflammatory properties. You can make a drink of turmeric powder and milk, and consume this drink 2-3 times in a day. A paste of vinegar with a little milk cream and turmeric powder can also be applied topically.
Continual use of this mixture will help you get rid of these boils. Other home remedies include application of cornmeal paste on the affected skin. Keep the paste on the skin until it completely dries up.
One more answer to the cure of this condition lies in the healing powers of margosa. Put some leaves of this herb into half a bucket of water. Heat the water so that it just starts to boil. Cool the water and then apply the solution to the affected areas.
Also, application of aloe vera gel is another effective remedy for curing this condition. Onion and garlic paste is also another good option. Make a juice of these substances and apply over painful sores. It will help to reduce the inflammation and will improve proper circulation of the blood in that area.
If you ever spot a boil on your body, you can follow the aforementioned home remedies, and maintain cleanliness and good hygiene. In case the boil persists or progresses, consult a doctor immediately, as this could lead to sepsis, which in turn could cause the accumulation of toxins in the body.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.