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How to Cleanse Parasites from the Human Body

Sonal Panse
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Parasites are organisms that inhabit other organisms (host), and derive nutrition and other biological benefits at the host's expense. Hence, in case of a parasitic manifestation, it is essential to cleanse the body. This story provides various ways in which one can successfully cleanse oneself of such organisms.
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Parasitic organisms in humans are often present within the intestine, stomach, colon, kidneys, liver, blood, and brain of the infected persons.
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Common parasites like ringworm, tapeworms, pinworms, hookworms, flukes, and protozoans extract nutrition from the host's body, mate and reproduce, deposit eggs within the host, and release toxins, causing a variety of health problems.
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If you are strong and healthy, generally you can withstand or recover from the ill effects of parasites easily; however, if you are already ill, then these organisms can wreak havoc on your immune system and take a considerable toll on your health.
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Some of the serious health consequences that arise from parasitic infestation in humans are eczema, severe stomach cramps, flatulence, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, mood swings, joint/muscle pains, anemia, and skin problems like acne.
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Lack of proper basic hygiene is one of the reasons behind the presence of intestinal parasites. Parasites can also be transmitted to humans through the consumption of contaminated water, raw or improperly cooked meat, fish, and poultry, unwashed fruits and vegetables, or through contact with infected persons or pets and animals that are never or less frequently dewormed.
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If you have a parasitic infestation - which can be detected by a stool and urine test - you should consider using a human parasite cleanse. The treatment is intended to cleanse and detoxify the colon and the intestinal tract, and usually lasts for 2 to 3 months. Some health practitioners advise going for a parasite cleanse twice a year, and suggest following this with a detox program each time.
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Body Cleansing

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There are many pharmaceutical human parasite cleansing drugs available to combat parasitic organisms, but the problem with many of them seems to be that they either target a certain part of the body or only the parasites at a certain developmental stage.
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Most parasites are able to migrate from one part of the body to another, and they have enough survival sense to do just that when faced with a vermifuge (a parasite cleansing treatment). A parasite cleanse may just kill off the eggs, while leaving the adults unharmed, in which case, the adults will mate, reproduce, and deposit more eggs.
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Or the medication may kill off the adults and leave the eggs to hatch. The parasite cleansing medication may also be for only one type of parasite, which is of little use if more than one types are present.
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Another thing about parasiticides is that they are generally very toxic, and can bring about some unpleasant side effects if not taken in moderately small doses. Hence, rather than destroying the parasites inside you, you could end up becoming ill due to the medication.
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Natural or herbal parasite cleansing remedies seem to be as much or more effective than the pharmaceutical medications, and on the positive front, usually have minimal or no toxic side effects. Therefore, it is a good idea to give the natural remedies a try before trying the pharmaceutical ones.
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Natural Remedies

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The most commonly used natural parasite cleansing remedy contains a combination of black or green walnut hull, worm wood, and common cloves.
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The three major herbs - black walnut hull, worm wood, and common cloves can help kill over 100 types of parasites. If all three are combined, the first two will kill the adult parasites, and the last will kill off the eggs. Hence, this remedy shows extreme effectiveness in getting rid of parasitic infestations.
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Other natural herbs, that are equally effective, are garlic, ginger, gentian root, pink root, quassia stem, male fern, and wood betony herb. Spices like cloves and cinnamon are also help alleviate intestinal parasitic infestations in humans.
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Using spices in your daily meals can pretty much deter the proliferation of parasites. Some other natural remedies include eating foods like pumpkin seeds, cayenne pepper, and yogurt, all of which have anti-parasitic qualities.
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Whether you opt for a natural remedy or a pharmaceutical one, it will be helpful if you fast before you start the treatment, and try to avoid eating meat and sweets during the treatment.
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Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.