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Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Weight Loss

Leena Palande
If you are looking for natural ways of losing some of that extra flab, take a look at the best Ayurvedic medicines for weight loss that are described in this story.
Overweight people are always in search of new diets, which can help them shed some extra pounds quickly. An obese body is likely to be afflicted with maximum number of diseases and disorders. Obesity leads to various health problems, like heart diseases, kidney diseases, liver dysfunction, deterioration of joints, etc.
Obese people are most likely to develop high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, gallbladder diseases, etc. Fad diets may help lose fat fast, but the effect may be temporary. When you lose it naturally, you can maintain your figure easily as well. On that note, this article gives you some of the best Ayurvedic medicines for weight loss.

List of Medicines

These following herbs are designed, taking into consideration mind-body relationship. According to Ayurveda, imbalance of vata, pitta, and kapha systems leads to health problems, which include being overweight or underweight. People are treated with different medications considering their body types.


Triphala benefits include losing some pounds, improved digestive system, improved eye health, detoxification, improved heart health, clear skin, etc. Triphala means three fruits, and the triphala choorna (powder) is a mixture of Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bhibitaki (Terminalia chebula), and Haritaki (Terminalia bellirica).

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It contains antioxidant vitamin C. It stimulates the production and release of bile. It helps lower excessive water content of body tissues, and it also lowers hunger pangs.


Guggul extract benefits include improved rate of body metabolism and healthy loss of weight. It helps lower cholesterol and triglycerides levels and ensures heart health. It enhances the function of liver as well as thyroid gland. This helps improve the rate of metabolism.

Herbal Medicines

Doctors and dietitians recommend natural herbs. These are prepared by mixing various herbs. Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Shilajit, aloe vera, gotu kola, trikatu (a combination of equal parts of black pepper, ginger, and pippali or Indian long pepper), barberry, etc., are used in various preparartions.
A number of herbs help get rid of obesity, but you need to follow a proper diet and Yoga exercises regularly. Sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, genetics, eating oily and greasy foods, consuming highly processed foods, etc. are some of the main reasons of excessive weight gain. To lose it, you need to follow a low calorie diet and improve your eating habits.

Tips to be Followed

  • Use hot water for drinking. Avoid caffeine, sodas, alcoholic drinks.
  • Mint promotes weight loss. Include mint tea or mint chutney in your diet.
  • Drinking amla juice regularly is beneficial.
  • Avoid foods rich in fat, for example, cheese, butter, meat products, etc. Avoid rice, potato, sugar, etc., which are high in simple carbohydrates. Avoid too much of salt also.
  • Benefits of cinnamon and honey are well-known. You may take Ayurvedic medicines with honey.
  • Include more number of pungent (spicy), bitter, or astringent spices and herbs in your diet. For example, turmeric, cumin, ginger, mustard seed, cayenne, and black pepper.
  • Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Bitter gourd and bitter variety of drumsticks promote loss of pounds. Keep a list of low calorie fruits and vegetables handy.
  • Opt for a juice fasting plan or a liquid diet once in a week. You can have fruit or vegetable juices, warm skim milk, light soups, herbal teas, etc. Regular intake of carrot juice helps.
Traditional Ayurvedic medicines are being used in India since six thousand years. These are available in various forms, such as juice, powder, infusion, paste, tablet, decoction, etc. Medicated ghee and oils are also taken internally or applied externally (massage therapy). Some of them may exhibit laxative properties. It is better to consult a doctor before opting for new herbs. Do not forget to follow the instructions.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.