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Ayurveda - The Ancient Medical Science

Prerna Salla
What do Santa Claus, Dan Rather and Diana Ross have in common? Ayurveda!! Amazed... Read on.

Ideals of Ayurveda

Each typifies one of the three doshas, or ailments, which are the embodiments of Ayurveda. Ayurveda treats the whole person, not just the person's health problems. Ayurveda experts trace the beginning of this unique approach to physical health, mental clarity and spiritual fulfillment to the sages of ancient India, the rishis. They say the Indian rishis (holy men) discovered the principles of Ayurveda.
Philosophically, the ideas at the foundation of Western medicine are called deterministic and materialistic, and they're based on nineteenth-century Newtonian physics, which speaks of reality as composed of pieces of matter that bounce into each other like balls on a billiard table. But the physics of the twentieth century-the physics of Einstein known as quantum physics-paints a very different picture of reality.
You know its central formula: E = mc2. What this formula means is that all matter is nothing but a dense version of energy or light. And this energy or light is an eternal substance that never dies but that constantly changes into many forms.
Surprisingly, this is the same point of view of those sages from India who discovered Ayurveda experts, these sages went one step further. They also said that this energy or light is alive and intelligent-in fact, that it is the Divine Life Force and Creative Intelligence.
And then they went a final step: They said that the Divine Life Force and Creative Intelligence are also the essential nature of the individual-and that realizing this essential nature is the purpose of life.

Ayurveda Principles

Ayurveda treats everyone on the same platter, with only the difference being that since all of us are born unique, the concoctions may affect us in a manner that's unique to all of us. Which simply means that if a particular medicine effects you faster than the others, it might take another person time before he/she gets cured.
But cured, he will be! The whole reason why Ayurveda is still widely accepted as a science, is because it uses natural solutions that are applicable to all. Being born 5,000 years ago, Ayurvedic medicines are still very much in demand because they do not belong to the school of thought that demands instant miracles in terms of being cured.
It takes its own time trying to resolve the root of the problem, something that allopathy has only so much but tried to reach! There may be many who might not agree with me, but for those who have tried using and have been using Ayurvedic medicines, they are sure to grant in to me a big nod.
One of the core ideas of Ayurveda, your doshas are determined at the moment of conception, when the vata, pitta and kapha from your parents' bodies unite to create your constitution, which Ayurveda says that one of the main ways to keep your doshas balanced is through diet. The prime principle of Ayurveda being Heat, most of its medicines are made in such a manner that allow heat to bring about changes in the body with the existing elements of Air and water, namely in Ayurvedic terms as Vata , and Pitta respectively.
Vatas, for instance, fare best on a diet that emphasizes bitter, astringent and "pungent" foods. This simply means that anything hot and spicy such as jalapeƱo peppers and dry mustard can cure vata. Again it is the heat in these items that cause the air in the body to get released and start moving from the place it has got locked within your body.
So if you don't eat according to your dosha, (or personality trait), or the manner in which your body reacts to a particular environment, Ayurveda can identify them. When vata (air) is out of balance, for instance, it may lead to dry skin, joint pain, constipation, insomnia, fear, anxiety and insecurity. An aggravated kapha (cough) can produce a cold, congestion, a cough, poor appetite, water retention, greed and possessiveness.
Too much pitta (fire) can cause heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, hives, rash, anger, hate and envy. Aging is inevitable, maturing, and optional! So if you need to lead a life that's complete and distinct in every manner, try using the principles of Ayurveda in your daily life, sure to make a difference!