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Aloe Vera Plant Benefits

Marian K
Aloe Vera plants benefits are numerous, and apart from working wonders for the skin and hair, it is also reputed to cure several ailments. This story should clarify the benefits of drinking Aloe Vera juice, and using it for local application.
Aloe Vera is a succulent plant known for its healing, medicinal properties. For topical use, the leaf is sliced open and the pulp from within is used for application. Among the many forms it is used in, aloe vera juice and aloe vera gel are the most popular. Aloe Vera is often considered a wonder plant, and people claim its assistance in curing just about any ailment.
Aloe vera plant has the capacity to treat following ailments:
Constipation: Constipation is treated with orally consumed dried latex that is taken from the inner lining of aloe leaves. The laxative properties of a substance called aloin contained in the aloe vera plant, is supported by scientific evidence. A large number of herbal remedies that treat constipation contain aloe vera extracts.
Genital herpes: A few studies have suggested that Aloe vera extracts in a hydrophilic cream may be effective in treating genital herpes in men. This combination is believed to work better than aloe gel or a placebo.
Psoriasis vulgaris: The initial evidence suggests that psoriasis vulgaris may be effectively treated with an extract from aloe in the form of a hydrophilic cream. However, it is strongly recommended against it as additional research is needed in this area.
Seborrheic dermatitis: Seborrheic dermatitis causes stubborn dandruff and the skin on the scalp to become inflamed, scaly and itchy. Aloe vera lotion may be an effective treatment, according to initial studies.
Cancer prevention: Evidence suggests that aloe consumed orally may reduce the risk of developing lung cancer. However, it is unclear if it is the aloe itself or other factors that may provide this benefit.
Dry skin: Aloe vera plant health benefits have been extolled for decades. The moisturizing qualities of aloe, and its consequent capacity to effectively reduce skin dryness are backed by early, low-quality scientific evidence. To be sure of its healing powers, higher quality studies are required.
Lichen planus: This common skin disease results in an itchy, swollen rash on the skin or in the mouth. The scientific evidence suggesting that aloe may be a safe, helpful treatment for lichen planus, is limited. There is need for additional research.
Skin burns: Initial evidence form scientific investigations suggest that aloe may assist the healing of mild to moderate skin burns. Additional proof is required to confirm this fact.
Skin ulcers: Among the aloe vera benefits for skin is the likelihood of its ability to help heal skin ulcers with local application. These conclusions have been arrived at through early studies, which still leaves the need for high-quality studies comparing aloe alone with placebos.
Ulcerative colitis: While research regarding benefits of aloe vera in treating ulcerative colitis (UC) is limited, nonetheless, the results are promising. It is yet to be understood how aloe vera measures up to other treatments used for UC.
Wound healing: The results on aloe vera's wound healing properties are conflicting. While some studies say that it has a positive effect, others report that there are no improvements, and at times potential worsening of the condition. Further study is required to establish its exact effect.
Among the other therapeutic uses of aloe vera, it is said to sooth skin irritation caused by prolonged exposure to the sun's radiation. There is insufficient evidence to support claims of the use of aloe vera to treat mucositis, diabetes and HIV infection.
Aloe vera juice benefits are often advertised with regards to treating heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome. It is also common practice for cosmetic companies to include extacts from Aloe vera in their products.
While aloe vera plant proves to be extremely beneficial for the hair and the skin, to truly harness its powers, it is important to know how to use the plant.
It is the transparent fluid exuded by the inner leaf wherever it is cut or crushed, that must be applied to the hair or skin, for it is this substance that is said to have soothing, moisturizing properties.