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Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

Shrinivas Kanade
The researchers, till date, have documented many benefits of aloe vera juice. With its more than 70 constituents, juice made with aloe vera is one the most recommended drink of the day.
The succulent and fleshy aloe vera plant is a native of the African continent. The plant belongs to the lily family and is also grouped under Xeroids - a class of plants that can conserve water by opening or closing their stomata or pores.
When it comes to using it for medicinal purpose, Aloe Barbadensis or Spanish Aa'vila is the most favored. The jelly extracted from it can be used to make juice. 
According to experts, it is a good nutrition supplement. It can also be used internally as well as externally in its gel, powdered, capsuled form. It is believed that as many as two-thirds of world's population uses it in one or the other form.
The healing properties of aloe vera are known since ancient days. For its healing touch, the plant was honored with the titles like the Miracle plant and the Natural healer. The ancient people from Indian, Greek, Chinese, Egyptian, Sumerian and Roman civilizations used it to cure minor skin injuries and similar conditions, because of its soothing properties.
The modern science attributes the benefits to its richness in nutrients. Researchers have identified vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin B12, vitamin E and minerals such as iron, copper, and germanium in it. Along with the essential fatty acids (amino acids), it also contains trace elements such as calcium, potassium, zinc, and manganese.

Different Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

Adaptogen: It is believed to increase resistance to anxiety, stress, trauma, and fatigue.

Healing accelerator: As it contains vitamin B, C, and E, it acts as a healing accelerator for cuts, scrapes, and minor burns. Other factors that lend its healing powers are minerals, vitamins, monosaccharides, polysaccharides, enzymes, and lignins.
Anti-inflammatory: It is believed that Gibberellin and auxins (hormons) imparts its anti-inflammatory powers. It also contains plant sterols such as campesterol, lupeol, and sitosterol which helps in reducing edema, redness, and pain.
Antimicrobial: Sulfur, urea nitrogen, salicylic acid, lupeol, cinnamic acid, and phenol present in it perform as a team to provide antimicrobial activity.

Antipruritic: Antipruritic action helps in reliving itching in sunburn, skin rashers, poison ivy, and itchiness.
Antipyretic: It reduces the heat and enables healing of all sores such as canker sores to bed sores.

Bactericidal: Deals effectively with Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus viridans and five strains of Streptococcus mutant that are most commonly found in dental plaque.
Dilates capillaries: Helps in relaxing capillaries which promotes blood and nutrient supply which in turn, leads to the healing of skin diseases.

Fungicidal: Acts as an effective fungicidal against Candida albicans.

Virucidal: It is found to be effective virucidal against Herpes zoster and Herpes simplex viruses.
Immune System Support: It stimulates proliferation of B-cells and lymphocytes and activates macrophages, monocytes, antibodies, and T-cells. It works with the body's immune system and reduces tumor mass and inhibits spreading in some types of cancer.
Moisturizes: Its chemical composition enables it to penetrate the skin faster than water and vitamin E present in it improves skin condition.
Natural cleanser: It contains mucopolysaccharides (MSPs), long-chained sugar molecules, which enters cell membranes, flush out the toxins and helps nutrients such as electrolytes and water in entering the cells. This enhances the metabolism and energy levels.
Pain inhibitor: Analgesic properties of aloe vera are due to salicylic acid and anthraquinones. These chemicals help in relieving pain and also put a check on the growth and spread of bacteria.

pH factor of skin: Skins pH balance is between 4.5 and 5.5. It helps in maintaining it which is useful in fighting bacteria and fungi.
Digestion: It can be used to initiate the process of loosening and discharging waste materials, such as undigested food residue and the bacteria, which are attached to the inner lining of the colon, the large intestine.
These wastes materials cause clogging of the intestinal lining and prevent complete absorption of nutrients from the digested food. The harmful toxins are also washed out during this process, which improves the overall function of the digestive system. It is advised that regular intake over several weeks.
The juice also helps in the regulation of the production of gastric acid, which prevents acid indigestion, inflammation of colon, irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcers like, gastric and duodenal ulcers. 
Drinking this juice leads to improved digestion and blood circulation. Side effects, such as diarrhea and dehydration may be observed because of its excessive intake. A pregnant woman should consult her doctor about consuming this juice.
Anti-inflammatory and Pain Relief: The individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis can drink this juice for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The pain and stiffness of the muscles that a person experiences, while going about the daily business, can be greatly relieved with the help of this juice.
Mucopolysaccharides, which are amino sugars necessary in regeneration of the body cells are present in this juice. The individual drinking this juice, benefits from the regenerated tissues of joint muscles which improves their mobility. 
Because of the improved strength, these muscles are able to reduce the friction among the bones, muscles and ligaments of the joints and surrounding body tissues. Thus, this juice alleviate pains and inflammations in the weakened or aged joints.
Cancer and Blood Disease Prevention: Acemannan, is a D-isomer mucopolysaccharide and acts as a immunostimulant. It is also present in this juice and is believed to boost the production of white blood cells. This helps in strengthening the immune system and promotes body's ability to fight bacterial and viral infections.
Because of this fact, the United States' Food and Drug Administration authorities have recommended its use in avoiding health problems arises due to the lowered immunity in the HIV patients. 
The juice is currently being studied for its potential use in treating the cancers such as leukemia, ovarian, and breast cancer, because it has been found to prevent growth of tumors in laboratory rats.
Hair regrowth and skin rejuvenation are also among the other health benefits of aloe vera, which are widely popular and derived respectively from the enzymes and the collagen present in it.