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Acupressure Points

Buzzle Staff
Acupressure with other natural therapies, aims to regulate, balance and normalize so the body can function normally. The primary advantage of acupressure is that it is a self access therapy...
Acupressure uses the same principles and meridian points as acupuncture, but works through finger pressure, massage and stroking rather than needles to effect stimulation. Acupressure and massage therapy are frequently combined in a healing stimulation session.
As with other natural therapies, the aim is to regulate, balance and normalize so the body can function normally. Organ massage, reflexology and deep breathing techniques are frequently used in conjunction with acupressure.
Fourteen primary meridians or channels of energy run through your body. Each meridian is named for the organ or function connected to its energy flow. The therapy technique manually stimulates these points to release blocked energy.
It is an individualized approach to healing
A skilled acupressurist works with you as an individual to treat both acute and chronic blockages. Acute blockages are sensitive, usually hot or inflamed. Chronic blockages are cool to the touch, more difficult to find, and the body may have adapted habits to keep from feeling them.
The therapy technique can improve cardiovascular disease and reduce depression. It corrects debilitating back pain, organ congestion, and can, in some cases, even reverse serious problems like scoliosis. It is excellent as part of a detoxification program.
Acupressure specifically cleanses the lymphatic system of toxins and fluids related to cellulite formation and immune malfunction.
Use some of the most effective points yourself
The primary advantage is that it is a self access therapy. In fact, it is a personal first aid method. Almost every technique can easily be done at home as needed, to relieve pain, and open up body cleansing and healing channels.
It is a two-step process
Step one: Find the right pressure point. They are tiny - only about the size of a pin-head - so this may be more difficult than it seems. If you cannot find the exact spot on your body at first, poke around a bit - acupressure points are generally tender than the surrounding area.
Step two:Massage the points properly. Use the tip of your index finger, your middle finger, or both fingers side by side. In some spots, it may be easier to use your thumb. Stimulate the point as deeply as can be managed - in a digging kind of massage. A few seconds of pressure, repeated several times, is usually enough. Push until you feel some discomfort.
For optimum benefits, two points may be simultaneously stimulated at the same time, one with each hand, while the part of the body in between experiences maximum energy flow. Or, you can duplicate the pressure on both sides of the body. Immediately after finding and massaging the point on one side, repeat the technique on the opposite side.
In most cases, points only need to be triggered about fifteen seconds each to get prompt relief.
Techniques for common health problems:
  • For a sore back, press on the points on either side of the lower spine. Press both sides simultaneously.
  • For a backache, apply pressure just below the tailbone.
  • For low back pain, apply strong pressure in the middle of the dip on the sides of your buttocks.
  • For a headache, press the point between your eyes.
  • For insomnia, press two points, right at the natural hairline on either side of the spine.
  • For a sore throat, press the center of your forehead about midway between the eyebrows and the natural hairline. Massage the point until the acupressure reaction occurs.
  • For lower abdomen discomfort, such as bowel disorders or indigestion, run your thumb up the inner, rear edge of the shin bone directly in line with your ankle bone toward the knee.
  • For weight loss, locate the cleft between the bottom of the nose and top of the upper lip. Pinch it when you are hungry, and within moments your hunger will be gone.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.