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Acne Rosacea Natural Treatment

Sayali Bedekar Patil
Acne rosacea is a chronic skin condition that has affected millions of people in North America. Women and fair people, especially between the age of 30 and 60 are most likely to be affected by it. The treatment of acne rosacea is naturally available in many forms like allopathic and herbal medication, as well as home remedies. Let us take a look.
Skin conditions that show on one's face are everyone's nightmare. Yet, one such skin condition, acne rosacea, affects almost 10 percent of the world's population. While the common diseases are topics handled by most medicine branches, acne rosacea treatments are still lacking in effectiveness.
Acne rosacea entails the following symptoms:
  • Facial redness and inflammation.
  • Red bumps or pus filled pustules on the T-zone (nose, forehead and chin) of the face.
  • Blood vessel visibility, especially on the nose and cheeks.
  • A constant blush or flush on the face.
  • A red, inflamed, button like nose (rhinophyma) or a burning sensation in the eyes (ocular rosacea).
If your symptoms correspond to the points highlighted above, you are a victim of acne rosacea. Never fear, the following paragraphs deal with some acne rosacea natural treatment methods. The treatment can be done at home, with the use of some easily available herbs. The treatment can also be done through the medical prescriptions of allopathy and homeopathy. Try some of the natural remedies given below, and hopefully you won't need anything else.

Creams, Gels and Other Topical Treatment

Chrysanthellum Indicum Creams, that contain 1% chrysanthellum indicum extracts, help acne rosacea by strengthening the capillaries. A two-time application daily, shows definite improvements, though the visible improvements are slow. It requires about 12 weeks of religious application for its good effects to be visible. It does have mild adverse side effects, but the benefits far outweigh the costs.
Green Tea Cream helps in the treatment. This finding was concluded in the 2005 annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. Green tea creams, that contain 2% Polyphenon E, work best on a regular two times a day application.
Niacinamide Creams are a form of vitamin B complex. This topical treatment for rosacea acne improves the skin moisture levels and reduces inflammation. When applied twice daily, this cream improves the skin barrier. This cream is also available in gel form and its oral intake effects on acne rosacea are currently being explored.

Licorice is a herb which is used for the topical treatment of acne rosacea. Licorice root extracts show significant improvements in mild rosacea, when applied continuously for 4 to 8 weeks. Though, there are many side effects of licorice, yet it acts as a demulcent (soothing agent) on acne rosacea and other skin ailments as well.

Home Based and Internal Consumption Natural Treatment

Apple Cider Vinegar is an oral home remedy for rosacea acne. It attacks one of the causes of rosacea acne, digestive problems. This vinegar releases digestive enzymes in the body and helps in normalizing the intestinal bacterial balance. Apple cider vinegar is easily available in liquid form, though it can also be consumed in the tablet form.
Oatmeal Face Washes relieve the itching, which is the most irritating part of acne rosacea. It acts as a cleanser, that also nourishes and exfoliates the skin. It reduces the symptoms, if used regularly. The best part about oatmeal face washes is that they can be made at home by mixing up some oatmeal, lemon and honey.

Miscellaneous Natural Treatment Methods

  • Aloe vera, burdock, chamomile, betaine hydrochloride, red clover, rose hips, selenium and zinc, all help in the topical treatment of rosacea acne. 2 to 4 mls of burdock root tinctures help in the process of blood cleansing, thus reducing rosacea acne.
  • Feverfew, tea tree oil, ginger and lavender essential oil are mild acne healers and hence produce fewer side effects. Green tea, oatmeal and chamomile have anti-inflammatory properties that aid in soothing rhinophyma.
  • 'Living Nature' recommends that acne rosacea patients should consume one to two teaspoons of evening primrose daily. This is really good for the treatment of acne rosacea.
  • Increasing vitamin B intake in one's diet is a simple home remedy for acne rosacea.
  • Rosacea patients frequently suffer from indigestion, especially after the intake of heavy, fatty foods. This is due to the deficiency of the pancreatic enzyme lipase, and both the indigestion and the acne can be healed by consuming pancreatic enzyme supplements.
  • Orange peels, fresh lemon juice, aloe vera juice, sandalwood powder, tomatoes, garlic, egg whites and neem oil, are especially good soothers of rosacea acne.
  • Honey cinnamon paste, ice packs, fenugreek leaves paste, papaya juice and wheatgrass juice also help in reducing inflammation and curing the pimples.
  • Although camphor oil is considered as a skin irritant, studies have proven that it's a simple and effective natural remedy for acne. Applying diluted camphor oil on acne-prone skin for a few days should definitely help.
All the treatments actually work, if followed religiously. Follow active skin care, and you can prevent acne rosacea. Know that you will not get instantaneous results and you will be required to follow the treatment routine religiously for a number of weeks, sometimes months. Don't let the acne rosacea keep you down. You are not alone, just one amongst the many people who suffer from this problem. Ensure that you brush up your knowledge on the causes. Keep safe and stay healthy!