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8 Types of Holistic Therapy Used In Addiction Treatment

Alexander Smith
Holistic therapy has become an important healing tool for the treatment of substance use disorders. It has been found to enhance both the likelihood and overall quality of sobriety when used in tandem with traditional psychological therapy and the 12 steps. Here are 8 of the most effective holistic therapies currently being used in treatment centers.

1. Meditation

Mindfulness based meditation has been found to be an effective way to positively regulate mood, reduce stress and even assist the body in detoxing harmful substances. A new body of research has also indicated that mindfulness focused relapse prevention can reduce the rate of relapse and quantity and intensity of cravings.

2. Yoga

Research has shown that yoga provides numerous benefits in addiction treatment. It has been found to relieve stress, anxiety and depression. Furthermore, it teaches awareness of the body, providing addicts an insight into their behavioral patterns.

3. Acupuncture

While there is less of a body of research, there has been encouraging studies demonstrating that acupuncture reduces depression and anxiety. A special acupuncture method called Acu-detox may also help reduce drug cravings, particularly for opiates.

4. Adventure Therapy

Physical activity in the outdoors, with incorporated elements of traditional talk therapy is referred to as adventure therapy. It can be effective in building relationships, as well as treating addiction and co-occurring mental disorders like depression, PTSD, and anxiety.

5. Pet Therapy

There are a number of therapeutic advantages that pet therapy offers to recovering addicts. Generally addiction leads to extreme selfishness and self centeredness. Pets give a chance to focus outside themselves. Other benefits  include reduction in anxiety, depression, stress, physical pain.

6. Art Therapy

First introduced over half a century ago, research indicates that art therapy in an addiction treatment setting can provide an effective outlet for communication, reduce denial, lessen the shame and stigma related to addiction and assist in group therapy.

7. Massage Therapy

Having access to a professional massage therapist in drug rehab might seem strange, but can be a key component in treating recovering addicts. Massage has been shown to decrease physical pain levels and reduce stress. It also elevates levels of both serotonin and dopamine, resulting in improved mood.

8. Music Therapy

Music therapy can be a valuable way of allowing recovering addicts to connect with emotions and thoughts that talk therapy can't break through to. Research has found chronic relapsers can benefit highly in some cases from participation. It also helps overall cohesiveness of groups, and subsequent group therapy sessions.

More Information

Holistic therapy has become a strong tool in the fight against drug addiction. For studies, research and more information related to holistic therapy in the treatment of addiction, visit: https://thesummitwellnessgroup.com/treatment/therapy/holistic/